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Managing floods

Managing floods

EVEN as the region is reeling under the unprecedented monsoon fury that has claimed many lives and destroyed crops, property and infrastructure worth thousands of crores of rupees in Himachal Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana, the report filed in the Rajya Sabha regarding the nationwide losses caused by rains in the last decade is an eye-opener. The data presented by the Jal Shakti Ministry for the 2012-2021 period says that over 17,000 people died in floods; it pegs the damage to property at Rs 2.61 lakh crore.

That the death toll and destruction have continued to be massive over the years reflects poorly on the disaster management policies and flood mitigation measures. Despite the availability of better technology to forecast weather, the country seems to be ill-prepared to tackle the situation on the ground. And rendering most plans and strategies ineffective is the rampant violation of the many rules and regulations — with impunity — that have been promulgated to save human and animal habitats from the flooding. There seems to be no end to the proliferation of unplanned settlements and structures around big cities, which get inundated as poor drainage system buckles under heavy spells of rain. Similarly, as banks of rivers and flood plains are routinely encroached upon, blocking the natural flow of the rivers during floods, these areas bear the brunt of nature’s ferocity. In HP, haphazard concretisation and unscientific cutting of mountain slopes to build roads and other infrastructure are the major causes of landslips during flash floods or cloudbursts. Large-scale deforestation and dam breaches also deal deadly blows during the monsoon.

The key to avoiding the recurrence of such eventualities is a critical review of the implementation of flood-prevention policies at all levels of governance. A timely and deterring response to flouting of rules and restoration of the ecological balance are imperative for safer environs.

Imperative (adjective) – Of vital importance; crucial



Reel under (phrase) – struggle or deal  with something

से जूझना


Unprecedented (adjective) – Never having happened or existed in the past



Fury (noun) – fierceness, ferocity, violence, turbulence, tempestuousness



Claim (verb) – Take lives of

जान लेना


Infrastructure (noun) – facilities, structure, framework, system



Nationwide (adjective) – throughout the nation, countrywide, all over the country



Decade (noun) – a period of ten years



Peg (verb) –  an arrangement that fixes a price, currency, etc. at a particular level:



Death Toll (noun) – Fatality, loss of life, mortality rate, mortality

मृत्यु के आँकड़े


Destruction (noun) – demolition, ruin, devastation, annihilation



Massive (adjective) – enormous, huge, large, substantial



Reflect poorly on (phrase) – to cast in a negative light, discredit, dishonor

ख़राब तरह से दर्शाना


Mitigation (noun) – reduction, alleviation, diminishment, moderation



Forecast (verb) – predict, anticipate, project, estimate

भविष्यवाणी करना


Ill-prepared (adjective) – unready, unprepared, inadequately prepared

खराब तैयारी


On the ground (phrase) – in a situation or place where things are happening really or practically

जमीनी स्तर पर


Rampant (adjective) – unchecked, uncontrolled, widespread, unrestrained

अनियंत्रित/ बड़े पैमाने पर


Violation (noun) – breach, infringement, transgression, breaking



Impunity (noun) – exemption, freedom, immunity from punishment

माफी, दण्ड मुक्ति


Promulgate (verb) – declare, announce, proclaim, publicize

घोषणा करना


Habitat (noun) – dwelling, living environment, surroundings



Proliferation (noun) – rapid increase, growth, expansion, multiplication



Settlement (noun) – Community, village, town, colony, hamlet, township



Inundate (verb) – flood, swamp, deluge, overwhelm

बहा देना


Drainage system (noun) – the system of removing excess water or liquid waste

जल निकासी की व्यवस्था


Buckle (verb) – collapse, give way, yield, cave in, falter



Spell (noun) – Period of heavy rain

भारी बारिश


Bank (noun) – shore, riverside, riverbank, embankment



Encroach (verb) – trespass, infringe, invade, violate

अतिक्रमण करना


Bear the brunt of (phrase) – to face the worst part of something unpleasant or harmful; to suffer the main part or force of something

सबसे ज्यादा नुकसान झेलना


Ferocity (noun) – savagery, brutality, fierceness, vehemence



Haphazard (adjective) – disorganized, unmethodical, random, unplanned


-Concretisation (noun) – the act of making something concrete, solid, or tangible; making an idea or concept real




Unscientific (adjective) – not based on or reflecting the principles and methods of science



Slope (noun) – incline, gradient, slant, tilt



Flash flood (noun) – a sudden and severe flood that occurs within a short period of time

अचानक आई बाढ़


Cloudburst (noun) – a sudden, very heavy downpour of rain; intense rainfall event

बादल फटने की घटना


Large-scale (adjective) – extensive, widespread, broad-based, comprehensive



Deforestation (noun) – the action of clearing a wide area of trees; cutting down of trees on a large scale

वनों की कटाई


Breach (noun) – An opening or a breakthrough of a dam sometimes caused by rapid erosion of a section of earth embankment by water.

बांध का टूटना


Deal a blow (phrase) – cause a setback, be a hindrance, make a situation more difficult or less likely to succeed

झटका देना


Key (noun) – Solution,

कुंजी/ समाधान


Recurrence (noun) – repetition, reiteration, happening again



Eventuality (noun) – a possible event or outcome.

संभावित घटना


Governance (noun) – the act or process of governing; ruling, controlling, leading



Deterring (adjective) – discouraging, dissuading, inhibiting



Flout (verb) – disregard, ignore, neglect, violate

अवहेलना करना


Ecological balance (noun) – a state of equilibrium within a community of organisms in a particular environment

पारिस्थितिक संतुलन

-Environ (noun) – surroundings, environment, conditions, circumstances
