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Onward, sunward

Onward, sunward: On India’s mission to study the sun

Aditya-L1  gives the Indian space programme one more boundary to push

Roughly a week after the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) soft-landed a robotic lander and rover on the moon’s south polar region, it launched India’s first space mission dedicated to studying the sun, in the form of a spacecraft named Aditya-L1. Barely half a day after the launch, ISRO announced that its lunar rover had completed the surface studies it had planned and that it had been “ parked ” ahead of the two-week-long lunar-night . This vignette illustrates a certain maturity on-the part of the Indian space programme: it enters a phase where its growth from strength-to strength becomes indistinguishable from international leadership in space exploration , even as it carries-forward an old tradition of studying the sun, exemplified by the Kodaikanal Solar Observatory. Aditya-L1 will study the sun in multiple wavelengths with its suite of seven instruments: four remote-sensing and three in-situ (i.e., by directly sampling a particular volume of space). Even though it is the star closest to the earth and has been and continues to be observed by a panoply of telescopes , the sun still holds many secrets. Some of them are simply waiting to be discovered, although that is easier said than done given the brutality of the star’s influence on its immediate surroundings . One example is the particulars of the solar wind, a stream of charged particles that stream out from the sun into space. Considering the solar wind affects space weather and in-turn the digital components of spacecraft, Aditya-L1’s findings could inform future space missions as well. Others are mysteries — bundles of facts not yet fully explained by scientific theories. The archetypal example is the coronal heating problem: why the uppermost layer of the sun’s atmosphere is a thousand times hotter than the sun’s surface.

In the next four or so months, Aditya-L1 will travel to the L1 Lagrange point , a point 1.5 million kilometres from the earth, where the spacecraft will have an unobstructed view of the star while it stays in a halo-orbit around the point. To deepen its relevance , Aditya-L1 will also have to record and transmit data to earth as quickly as possible, where the data downlink and analysis-pipeline will have to operate with similar haste , so that scientists can piece-together a concurrent image of the sun. ISRO has also demonstrated its ability to handle complex navigational tasks in interplanetary missions (including the lunar space programme, Chandrayaan) with help from foreign space agencies, and the attendant skills will be brought to bear on Aditya-L1 as well. Taken-together , while Aditya-L1 seems relatively simple given ISRO’s recent achievements, it gives the Indian space programme and the national solar physics community one more boundary to push.

In turn
(phrase) – Used to convey that an action, process, or situation is the result or product of a previous one. के बदले में


Aditya-L1 (noun) – a satellite dedicated to the comprehensive study of the Sun. It has 7 distinct payloads developed, all developed indigenously. Five by ISRO and two by Indian academic institutes in collaboration with ISRO. Aditya in Sanskrit means the Sun. L1 here refers to Lagrange Point 1 of the Sun-Earth system.



Push the boundary (phrase) – a situation in which someone is attempting to do something difficult or unprecedented

अपनी सीमा से ज्यादा कोशिश करना



Dedicated (to) (adjective) – Committed, devoted, assigned, bind,



Barely (adverb) – Hardly, scarcely, just, only, narrowly

मुश्किल से



Park (verb) – Station, position, set, place, post; leave (something) in a convenient place until required

स्थानित करना; छोड़ना


Lunar night (noun) – The duration of darkness on the moon when the sun is below the horizon; on the moon, one night lasts about two weeks.

चंद्रमा पर अंधेरे की अवधि


Vignette (noun) – Sketch, brief description, illustration, portrayal, depiction

छोटी कहानी या चित्रण


Illustrate (verb) – Demonstrate, show, depict, represent, elucidate

चित्रित करना


Maturity (noun) – Ripeness, adulthood, fullness, development, growth



On the part of (phrase) – by or from (someone).

की ओर से


Go strength to strength (phrase) – To improve or become more successful continuously.

निरंतर सफलता की दिशा में बढ़ते जाना


Indistinguishable (adjective) – appearing to be the same

एक जैसे लगने वाले, जिनमें भेद करना कठिन है;


Exploration (noun) – Investigation, examination, study, inquiry, probe

अन्वेषण/ खोज


Carry forward (phrase) – To continue or progress with something.

आगे बढ़ाना


Exemplify (verb) – Epitomize, embody, illustrate, represent, demonstrate

उदाहरण देंना


Suite (noun) – Set, collection, series, arrangement, group



In situ (phrase) – in the appropriate position.

अपने स्थान पर


Panoply (noun) – Array, range, collection; an extensive or impressive collection.



Telescope (noun) – An optical instrument that makes distant objects appear magnified.



Given (preposition) – Considering, taking into account, bearing in mind

देखते हुए


Brutality (noun) – Savagery, cruelty, barbarity, inhumanity, harshness



Influence (noun) – Impact, effect, sway, control, hold




Surroundings (noun) – Environment, setting, milieu, background, ambience



Particular (noun) – Specific detail or piece of information.

विशेष जानकारी


Considering (preposition) – Given that, taking into account, bearing in mind

ध्यान में रखते हुए



Findings (noun) – Conclusions, results, determinations, outcomes



Archetypal (adjective) – having all the qualities that make somebody/something a typical example of a particular kind of person or thing

प्रतिनिधिक, प्रतिरूपी


Coronal (adjective) – Pertaining to the sun's outer atmosphere.

सूर्य के बाहरी वायुमंडल संबंधित


Lagrange point (noun) – A point in space where the gravitational forces of a two-body system, like Earth and the Moon or Earth and the Sun, produce enhanced regions of attraction and repulsion.



Unobstructed (adjective) – Clear, open, unblocked, free, unhindered

अवरोधित/ अबाधित



Halo orbit (noun) – A periodic three-dimensional orbit near the L1, L2 or L3 Lagrange points in the three-body problem of orbital mechanics.


Deepen (verb) – Intensify, enhance, amplify, heighten, strengthen

गहरा करना


Relevance (noun) – Pertinence, applicability, significance, importance, relevancy



Transmit (verb) – Send, transfer, communicate, broadcast,





The Data downlink (noun) – The method or process of transmitting data from a satellite or spacecraft to the ground station.


Analysis pipeline (noun) – A sequence or series of data processing steps, especially used in bioinformatics and related fields


Haste (noun) – Speed, urgency, quickness, rapidity, swiftness




Piece together (phrase) – ​to understand a story, situation, etc. by taking all the facts and details about it and putting them together


Concurrent (adjective) – Simultaneous, coexisting, coinciding, parallel




Demonstrate (verb) – Show, exhibit, display, illustrate, prove

प्रदर्शित करना


Navigational (adjective) – Relating to navigation, guiding, steering

नेविगेशन संबंधित


Interplanetary (adjective) – Between planets; relating to travel or communication between planets.

ग्रहों के बीच का


Bring to bear on (phrase) – Apply, utilize, employ, exert

पर लागू करना


Taken together (phrase) – Collectively, as a whole, in combination

सम्मिलित रूप से


Attendant (adjective) – Associated, linked, related, connected, consequent, resultant
