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Tiers apart

Tiers apart : On the ‘one nation, one election’ trial balloon

‘One nation, one election’ militates against federalism and multi-tiered governance 

In a multi-tiered governance system such as the one in India, a Union of States, electoral democracy works by allowing people to choose their representatives for each tier based on their perception of who is best suited to represent them for each specific tier. There is a reason why there is a demarcation of power between the Union, States and local body institutions and why there is a voter mandate every five years to elect representatives for Parliament, Assemblies and local bodies. The demarcation allows for specific roles for each representative across these tiers and suggests varied voter choices that could be based on party affiliation, candidate strength, ideological positions or simple socio-economic reasons specific to each constituency. That some States such as Andhra Pradesh and Sikkim hold simultaneous Assembly and parliamentary polls is a coincidence as their electoral cycle has coalesced with that of parliamentary polls. The BJP-led Union government’s trial balloon, exploring the feasibility of simultaneous elections for all levels through a committee led by former President Ramnath Kovind, militates against the foundational idea of multi-tiered governance and is anti-federalist. Dangerously, one of the committee’s terms of reference — to “examine and recommend, if the amendments to the Constitution [for the purpose of holding simultaneous elections] would require ratification by the States” — is a proposition that is anti-constitutional and will not stand legal scrutiny. It also advances a motive that would curtail many Assemblies much before their scheduled tenures — an untenable prospect.

Ostensibly, the proposal speaks of the need for simultaneous elections as a cost-cutting exercise allowing voting in parliamentary, Assembly, municipal and panchayat elections in one go. It also stems from the flawed notion that governments are forever in campaign mode because of frequent Assembly elections. First, there is no study to prove that there will be significant cost-saving with simultaneous elections and in any case, the costs incurred in the conduct of elections are not essentially wasteful as there is a multiplier effect to campaign spending and economic activity around polls. Elections for different levels also allow voters to hold their representatives to account and for their specific grievances to be noted. Second, the conduct of various elections at different points of time is to only elect representatives for these tiers and is not a referendum on just one tier or even an individual leader at every point of time, as the BJP has sought to make it. Those in civil and political society who are committed to India’s federal structure should argue for separation of the Lok Sabha election from polls to Assemblies as the campaign issues and democratic choices vary. In any case, unless the term of each Lok Sabha and Assembly is fixed, and premature dissolution for whatever reason is barred, the idea is unworkable.

Stem from (phrasal verb) – arise from, originate from, spring from, derive from

से उत्पन्न होना

(noun) – outlook, expectation, view, perspective, possibility


(verb) – investigate, examine, study, search, probe

पता लगाना

(adjective) – diverse, various, mixed, miscellaneous, heterogeneous


(verb) – Improve, develop, enhance, increase, expand, progress

आगे बढ़ाना

(noun) – Inspection, study, examination, analysis, inquiry, enquiry, search

सूक्ष्म परीक्षण

(noun) – proposal, suggestion, thesis, premise



Flawed (adjective) – defective, faulty, erroneous

At/in one go
(phrase) – in one attempt

एक बार में

(adjective) – Based on or relating to a system of ideas and ideals, especially concerning economic or political theory and policy.


(noun) – a general vote by the electorate on a single political question that has been referred to them for a direct decision.
जनमत संग्रह

(noun) – An area whose voters elect a representative to a legislative body.

चुनाव क्षेत्र

(adjective) – indefensible, unsustainable, weak, unsound, shaky, flawed

अस्थिर, असमर्थनीय

(verb) – inspect, survey, scrutinize, look at, look into

जांच करना

(adjective) – occurring, operating, or done at the same time

एक ही समय में होनेवाला

(noun) – chance, concurrence, fluke, happenstance


(noun) – election



Bar (verb) – Prohibit, Exclude, Ban, Prevent, Obstruct
रोक लगाना

(noun) – Delegate, spokesperson, agent


(noun) – change, modification, revision, alteration, improvement


(noun) – complaint, resentment, grudge, criticism


(noun) – idea, impression, thought, concept, opinion


(verb) – Debate, discuss, dispute, reason, contend.

तर्क करना

(noun) – boundary, border, dividing line, separation, distinction

सीमा निर्धारण

(adjective) – Early, untimely, ahead of time, precipitate, hasty


(adjective) – Dedicated, Devoted, Loyal, Faithful, Steadfast


(noun) – Directive, instruction, command, order, decree


effect (noun) – It refers to the effect on national income and product of an exogenous increase in demand. For example, suppose that investment demand increases by one. Firms then produce to meet this demand. That the national product has increased means that the national income has increased.

Affiliation (noun) – Association, connection, attachment, alliance, relationship


(noun) – Insight, awareness, acuity, discernment, observation


Feasibility (noun) – Practicality, possibility, viability; the possibility that can be made, done, or achieved, or is reasonable



Term (noun) – Period, span, duration, stint, time frame,



Seek (verb) – Try, aim, endeavour, attempt, effort

कोशिश करना


Governance (noun) – the act or process of governing; ruling, controlling, leading


Dissolution (noun) – Disintegration, termination, end, closure, suspension



Tier (noun) – one of a number of levels



Trial balloon (noun) –something that is done or announced as a test in order to find out how people would react to something similar


Militate against (verb) – Work against, resist, hinder, discourage, oppose, counter

के विरुद्ध होना


Federalism (noun) – a system of government in which powers have been divided between the centre and its constituent parts such as states or provinces. 



Multi-tiered (adjective) – Consisting of several levels or layers


Coalesce (verb) –to combine into a single group or thing; merge, unite, combine, amalgamate, join

सम्मिलित होना


Anti-federalist (adjective) – opposed to federalism, non-federalist, centralist

संघवाद विरोधी

Terms of reference (noun) – The parameters and limitations that are set for a particular study, project, or report.


Ratification (noun) – approval, endorsement, sanction, confirmation, acceptance



Stand (verb) – Go through, undergo, withstand,

से गुज़रना


Curtail (verb) – reduce, diminish, cut back, decrease



Ostensibly (adverb) – apparently, seemingly, outwardly, superficially

प्रकट रूप से


Incur (verb) – bring upon oneself, acquire, sustain,

(व्यय) करना


Conduct (noun) – management, handling, direction, control


Hold someone to account (phrase) – make someone explain or justify their actions, hold responsible, call to answer, take to task

उत्तरदायी ठहराना