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Eastern hedge

Eastern hedge : On the need for India to stay closely engaged with ASEAN members

India needs to build closer ties with ASEAN for economic and strategic reasons

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s whistle-stop summit sojourn to the Indonesian capital of Jakarta earlier this week was primarily aimed at deepening India’s engagement with the economically significant grouping of 10 Southeast Asian nations. Coming on the eve of India’s hosting of the G-20 summit in New Delhi as the current holder of the bloc’s presidency, Mr. Modi’s presence at the annual ASEAN-India summit was an opportunity to cement traditional ties with the neighbouring Asian economies at a time of heightened global trade uncertainty. As the trade facilitation body UNCTAD noted in its June 21 ‘Global Trade Update’, the ‘outlook for global trade in the second half of 2023 is pessimistic as negative factors’ including downgraded world economic forecasts, persistent inflation, financial vulnerabilities and geopolitical tensions dominate. Against this backdrop, the joint leaders’ statement on ‘Strengthening Food Security and Nutrition in Response to Crises’ at the ASEAN-India summit underscores the shared vulnerability the region perceives in the face of the ongoing heightened global food insecurity, which has been exacerbated by the war in Ukraine, climate change and national policy responses to inflationary pressures. India’s recent curbs on export of rice have triggered some alarm, with the prices of the regional staple reportedly nearing a 15-year high. The onset of an El Niño, which is historically associated with disruptive weather events, queers the ground further, and ASEAN leaders are justifiably wary.

Mr. Modi’s pitch, laying stress on the need for a rules-based post-COVID-19 world order and a free and open Indo-Pacific, was clearly directed at members among the Asian bloc who are increasingly disquieted by China’s recent muscle flexing and claims over the South China Sea. The Prime Minister’s not-so-veiled message to the ASEAN members is that India is a more reliable long-term strategic and economic partner, which has no territorial ambitions that could discomfit them. India also sought to position itself as a voice to amplify the concerns of the Global South, stressing that it would be mutually beneficial for all. For India, grappling as it is with an underwhelming free trade agreement (FTA) with the 10-nation grouping, trade ties with the eastern economies have grown in volume but asymmetrically, with imports far outpacing the country’s exports. The widening trade deficit and the perception that Chinese goods are taking advantage of lower tariffs under the FTA to find their way into the Indian market, have among other factors precipitated a review of the pact that is likely to be completed in 2025. In the meantime, India needs to stay closely engaged with the ASEAN members both as a trade hedge against the slowdown in its main western markets and to highlight its significance as an all-weather ally.




Hedge (noun) – a strategy or method used to protect against potential losses in trading, especially due to price fluctuations



Ties (noun) – connection, relations, link, bond, association



Whistle-stop (adjective) – brief, fleeting, rapid, swift, quick



Sojourn (noun) – stay, visit, stopover, temporary stay, residency



Deepen (verb) – intensify, amplify, reinforce, augment, escalate

गहराई बढ़ाना



Engagement (noun) – involvement, participation, commitment, occupancy, undertaking



Economically (adverb) – financially, monetarily, fiscally, commercially, budgetarily

आर्थिक रूप से


On the eve of (phrase) – the period or day before an important event

 के ठीक पहले


Hosting (noun) – providing space or opportunity, accommodating, entertaining



Bloc (noun) – coalition, alliance, federation, confederation, union



Presidency (noun) – the position of being the president, the administration, the executive, leadership




Cement (verb) – strengthen, fortify, consolidate, reinforce, stabilize

मज़बूती देना


Neighbouring (adjective) – adjacent, adjoining, nearby, bordering



Economies (noun) – Countries in terms of GDP



Heightened (adjective) – increased, intensified, escalated, amplified

बढ़ा हुआ


Uncertainty (noun) – doubt, unpredictability, instability, variability



Facilitation (noun) – the process of making things easy or easier, enabling, assistance



UNCTAD (noun) – The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development is a part of the United Nations Secretariat dealing with trade, investment, and development issues.


Outlook (noun) – perspective, viewpoint, point of view, attitude



Pessimistic (adjective) – negative, cynical, gloomy, bleak



Downgraded (adjective) – devalued, lowered in status, diminished, reduced in importance

कम किया हुआ



Forecast (noun) – prediction, projection, estimation, prognosis




Persistent (adjective) – constant, continuous, relentless, non-stop

लगातार/ दृढ़


Inflation (noun) – price rise, price increase, escalation



Vulnerability (noun) – weakness, helplessness, defenselessness, debility



Geopolitical (adjective) – Political geography, global politics, international politics, international relations




Dominate (verb) – Rule, control, command, overshadow, prevail

हावी होना


Against the backdrop (phrase) – In the context of, in light of, considering the background

के संदर्भ में


Strengthen (verb) – Fortify, reinforce, bolster, intensify

मजबूती देना


Underscore (verb) – Emphasize, highlight, stress, underline

जोर देना


Perceive (verb) – Recognize, discern, detect, observe



In the face of (phrase) – Despite, notwithstanding, in spite of, regardless of

के बावजूद


Ongoing (adjective) – Continuing, in progress, underway

चल रहे


Exacerbate (verb) – Worsen, aggravate, amplify, intensify

बढ़ाना/ बिगाड़ देना


Inflationary pressure (noun) – the demand and supply-side pressures that can cause a rise in the general price level.


Curb (noun) – Restraint, check, control, limitation




Trigger (verb) – Activate, spark, initiate, set off

उत्पन्न करना


Alarm (noun) – Fear, apprehension, terror, fright, panic, unease, anxiety

भय, खलबली


Staple (noun) – main food or foods eaten regularly


 Reportedly (adverb) – Allegedly, supposedly, apparently

कथित रूप से


Onset (noun) – Beginning, start, commencement




El Nino (noun) – A climate phenomenon characterized by the periodic warming of sea surface temperatures in the central and east-central equatorial Pacific.


Associated (with) (adjective) – Connected, related, linked




Disruptive (adjective) – Chaotic, disturbing, unsettling



Queer (verb) – To spoil, ruin, thwart




Ground (noun) – Basis, foundation, reason



Wary (adjective) – Cautious, watchful, vigilant

सतर्क/ सावधान


Pitch (noun) – Proposal, offer, presentation, Speech



Lay stress on (phrase) – Emphasize, highlight, underscore

पर जोर देना


Order (noun) – System, arrangement, organization



Disquiet (verb) – Disturb, unsettle, agitate

अशांत करना/ होना


Muscle flexing (noun) – Display of power or strength, posturing, showing off

शक्ति प्रदर्शन


Not-so-veiled (adjective) – Evident, clear, obvious



Reliable (adjective) – Trustworthy, dependable, steady



Strategic (adjective) – Tactical, calculated, planned



Ambition (noun) – Aspiration, goal, objective



Discomfit (verb) – Embarrass, discomfort, unsettle

परेशान करना


Seek (verb) – Try, aim, attempt, endeavour, strive for,

प्रयास करना


Amplify (verb) – Enhance, magnify, intensify



Concern (noun) – Issue, matter, subject



Global south (noun) – the poor developing countries (of Asia, Africa, South America, amongst others).

विकासशील देश


Grapple (With) (verb) – struggle, wrestle, contend with, tackle

से जूझना



Underwhelming (adjective) – disappointing, unsatisfactory, mediocre, lackluster



Asymmetrically (adverb) – unevenly, lopsidedly, disproportionately

असमान रूप से



Outpace (verb) – surpass, exceed, outstrip, overtake

पार करना


Perception (noun) – viewpoint, understanding, interpretation, impression



Trade deficit (noun) – the amount by which the cost of a country's imports exceeds the value of its exports  

व्यापार घाटा



Tariff (noun) – tax, duty, charge, rate



Precipitate (verb) – to make something, especially something bad, happen suddenly or sooner than it should

किसी घटना को (विशेषतः प्रतिकूल घटना को) अचानक या समय से पूर्व घटित करना या होने देना


Pact (noun) – agreement, treaty, accord, contract



In the meantime (phrase) – meanwhile, in the interim, in the intervening period

इस दौरान


Slowdown (noun) – decrease, reduction, slump, recession



Highlight (verb) – emphasize, underscore, stress, spotlight

प्रमुखता देना


Significance (noun) – importance, consequence, relevance, value



all-weather ally/friend (phrase) – steadfast ally, constant support, reliable partner

सदाबहार दोस्त