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Stocktaking the calamity

Stocktaking the calamity : On climate crisis and the U.N. Global-Stocktake report

The world needs genuine breakthroughs in climate talks

The climate crisis intricately wove itself into the G-20-summit in Delhi, particularly during the discussions on clean-energy , sustainable development and the collective responsibility necessary to avert it. The United Nations’ Global Stocktake, a report that was released just ahead of the G-20 meet, set-out the scope of challenges that awaited the major economies of the world even as it presented little beyond what is already known. This stocktake is to serve as a template to guide discussion ahead of the 28th Conference of Parties scheduled in Dubai this November and is meant to be an official reckoning of the work actually done by countries since 2015, in stemming greenhouse gas ( GHG ) emissions . That year, signatories to the UN convention on climate change agreed in Paris to keep global emissions from rising beyond 2°C and, as-far as possible, limit it to 1.5°C. Though it acknowledges “some” headway , the world, as-of now, is emitting gases in a manner that will certainly overshoot the Paris-agreed limit. The report unequivocally states that “much more ambition in action and support” is necessary for implementing domestic mitigation measures to reduce global GHG emissions by 43% by 2030, 60% by 2035 and reach net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050 globally. Based on current information submitted by countries, the emissions gap consistent with 1.5°C in 2030 is estimated to be 20.3 billion tonnes–23.9 billion tonnes of CO2. These are gaps unlikely to be filled without a rapid upscaling of renewable energy resources and an eschewal of fossil fuel sources such as coal, oil and natural gas. However despite several acknowledgements by world leaders, most recently at the G-20, of the magnitude of the crisis, little has been achieved in terms of energy transition . G-20 countries account-for 93% of global operating coal power plants and 88% of prospective ones.

The G-20 Leader’s Declaration formally recognised the need for “...$5.8-5.9 trillion in the pre-2030 period required for developing countries ...as well as $4 trillion per year for clean energy technologies by 2030 to reach net zero by 2050”. The report also dwells-on the need to reverse deforestation and the adoption of electric vehicles as vital prongs to a clean energy economy; however, it does not single-out individual countries or provide a more granular analysis of where the existing shortcomings are in the approach adopted by countries to curtail emissions. The Stocktake report however must not be dismissed as yet another technical document. During the upcoming climate talks, it must form the basis of negotiations to aid the discovery and adoption of genuine breakthroughs.

Carbon emission
(noun) – carbon dioxide that planes, cars, factories, etc. produce, thought to be harmful to the environment कार्बन उत्सर्जन


Global stocktake (noun) – The Global Stocktake is intended to evaluate progress on climate action at the global level — not the national level — and identify overall gaps to achieve the Paris Agreement as well as opportunities to bridge them



Calamity (noun) – disaster, catastrophe, crisis, tragedy,



Stocktake (verb) – review, assess, analyze, appraisal, assessment,

का जायजा लेना


Breakthrough (noun) – very important development or progress 

महत्वपूर्ण प्रगति



Talks (noun) – discussion, discourse, debate, dialogue, deliberation, negotiation, parley,



Intricately (adverb) – complicatedly, perplexingly, challengingly,

जटिल रूप से



Weave (verb) – entwine, intertwine, interlace, intertwist, twist together,



Summit (noun) – meeting, conference, conclave

शिखर सम्मेलन


Clean energy (noun) – energy generated from natural resources such as water, wind & solar energy


Sustainable development (noun) – Economic development that is conducted without depletion of natural resources,

सतत विकास


Avert (verb) – prevent, stop, avoid,

रोकना/ टालना


Set out (phrasal verb) – present, describe, put forward, propose, state, explain, detail,

प्रस्तुत करना


Await (verb) – wait for,

प्रतीक्षा करना


Economies (noun) – Countries in terms of GDP,



Serve as (verb) – act as, function as,

के रूप में कार्य करना


Template (noun) – Model,



Reckoning (noun) – calculation, estimation, computation, summation; opinion, appraisal, judgement, evaluation,

आकलन/ गणना


greenhouse gas (GHGs) (noun) – heat-trapping gas; a gas in the atmosphere that absorbs and emits radiation, causing the greenhouse effect and warming of Earth’s temperature


Stem (verb) – stop, restrict, control, contain, lessen, reduce,



Signatory (noun) – the person who signed an official document/agreement; in this context, it is a country that signs an agreement,




Convention (noun) – agreement, pact, treaty, deal, compact, accord, protocol,



As far as (phrase) – to the extent that,

जहां तक


Acknowledge (verb) – accept, recognize, realize,

स्वीकार करना


Limit (verb) – restrict, curb, control,

सीमित करना


Headway (noun) – progress, advancement, moving forward, forward movement,



As of now (phrase) – at this moment,

इस समय



Emit (Verb) – discharge, release, give off, give out, pour out




Overshoot (verb) – be more than something, be greater than; go beyond, exceed,

अधिक जाना


Unequivocally (adverb) – absolutely, explicitly, directly, clearly, categorically, conclusively, unconditionally, unqualifiedly, unambiguously,

स्पष्ट रूप से


State (verb) – utter, say, tell, declare, affirm, assert, express, voice




Ambition (noun) – aspiration, goal, objective, target, aim



Mitigation (noun) – moderation, reduction, decrease, eradication,



Net Zero (noun) – a target of completely negating the amount of greenhouse gases produced by human activity, to be achieved by reducing emissions and implementing methods of absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere


Consistent (adjective) – in accordance with, in agreement with, in line with, compatible with,



Unlikely (adjective) – doubtful, implausible, improbable, questionable,

संभावना ही नहीं/ असम्भव


Upscale (verb) –to increase the size  of something


Eschewal (noun) – the act of keeping away from something undesirable,




Acknowledgement (noun) – acceptance, admission, understanding, recognition, realization,




Magnitude (noun) – intensity, immensity; importance, significance, weight,



Energy transition (noun) – the shift from an energy mix based on fossil fuels to one that produces very limited, if not zero, carbon emissions, based on renewable energy sources


Account for (phrasal verb) – constitute, comprise, form, compose, make up, represent,

उत्तरदायी होना


Prospective (adjective) – possible, potential, probable, forthcoming, eventual, future,



Recognize (verb) – acknowledge, accept, admit, realize, understand,



Dwell on (phrasal verb) – to think or talk about something a lot of the time  

किसी चीज़ पर ध्यान केन्द्रित करना



Deforestation (noun) – it is when humans remove or clear large areas of forest lands and related ecosystems for non-forest use,

वनों की कटाई


Adoption (noun) – acceptance, approval, endorsement, promotion, support, backing,




Vital (adjective) – Crucial, essential, important, critical, indispensable,



Prong (noun) – aspect, element, part,



Single out (phrasal verb) – choose, pick out, select, pick out, hand-pick, separate, differentiate, set apart,

चुनना, अलग करना


Granular (adjective) – detailed, precise, minute,

सूक्ष्म, विस्तारपूर्ण


Shortcoming (noun) – fault, flaw, imperfection, defect




Curtail (verb) – reduce, decrease, limit,




Negotiation (noun) – discussion, discourse, debate, parley, deliberation, dialogue, talks,

बातचीत, समझौता


Dismiss (verb) – reject, deny, avoid, refuse, put away, spurn, decline, brush off, pay no heed to

, खारिज करना


Aid (verb) – help, assist, support, back,

सहायता करना