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Serious allegations

Serious allegations : On Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s charges against India

India and Canada stare at a downturn in ties after Trudeau’s charges

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s startling allegation, tying the killing of Canadian Khalistani leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar in June, to “agents of the Government of India”, marks a new low in their unravelling ties. Mr. Trudeau’s accusation — he said evidence had been shared with India and also raised in a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi last weekend — has set-off a chain of events . After Canada expelled a senior Indian diplomat , India summoned the Canadian High Commissioner and expelled Canada’s Station chief for intelligence on Tuesday. The United States and Australia, partners with Canada in the “Five Eyes” intelligence sharing agreement, have expressed “deep concerns” over the issue. The External Affairs Ministry has also accused Canadian diplomats of “anti-India” activities, indicating that more diplomats may be under scrutiny , while the Canadian government has spoken about the violation of the international rule of law, and of Canadian “ sovereignty ”, which could invoke other areas of confrontation . Given the support Mr. Trudeau received from his political rivals in Parliament, remarks critical of India by leaders such as Pierre Poilievre and Jagmeet Singh, it is also likely that the chill will outlast this government, if voted out in elections due in 2025. Unlike with Pakistan, where such allegations, name-calling and public confrontation have become routine, it is worth remembering that Canada is a part of the western NATO alliance , and home to Indians and Indian-origin Canadians, and the impact of the rupture will be felt wider.

The first step at such a fraught moment has to be some cold reflection over the next steps. For Mr. Trudeau, the priority must be to publicly prove his very serious allegations, or admit he is unable to. India’s assertions over Canadian safe havens for anti-India, separatist violent Khalistani groups have already been proven by many incidents, beginning from the early 1980s to more recent targeting of Indian diplomats and Indian community centres. That Nijjar, chief of the “Khalistan Tiger Force” — he was wanted in India, accused of being behind terror operations in Punjab in the 1990s, and had an Interpol red corner notice — was a Canadian citizen speaks for itself. New Delhi must also consider how it wishes to proceed on its ties with Canada. The government had hailed Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Canada in 2015, the first bilateral visit by an Indian PM since 1973, with the assumption that decades of mistrust over the Khalistan issue could be brushed aside . Earlier this year, India and Canada attempted another reset , with visits by Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly, and fast-tracking free trade talks. However, after the acrimonious Trudeau-Modi meeting on the sidelines of the G-20, and the latest allegations by Mr. Trudeau, diplomatic niceties are clearly at an end, while the FTA talks have been put on pause


Allegation (noun) – charge, accusation, claim, assertion



Stare (at) (verb) – looked at, gaze, watch, gawk, gape



Downturn (noun) – Decrease, decline, reduction, slump, drop



Ties (noun) – connection, relations, link, bond, association



Startling (adjective) – Surprising, astonishing, astounding, staggering, shocking

चौंका देने वाला


Tie (to) (verb) – Bind, fasten, secure, attach, knot, join

से जोड़ना


Mark (verb) – Indicate, signify, denote, point out, show

सूचित करना


Unravelling (adjective) – Unfolding, coming apart, disintegrating, disentangling

अलग हो रहा


Accusation (noun) – Allegation, charge, claim, indictment



Bilateral (adjective) – Two-sided, mutual, reciprocal



Set off (phrasal verb) – Trigger, initiate, begin, start

प्रारंभ करना


A chain of events (phrase) – Sequence of incidents, succession of happenings, series of developments

घटनाओं की श्रृंखला



Expel (verb) – Oust, remove, dismiss, eject



Diplomat (noun) – Envoy, ambassador, representative



Summon (verb) – Call, order, command, instruct



Accuse (of) (verb) – Charge with, indict for, blame for

आरोप लगाना



Scrutiny (noun) – Examination, inspection, investigation, analysis



Violation (noun) – Breach, infringement, contravention




Sovereignty (noun) – Autonomy, independence, self-governance, authority



Invoke (verb) – cite, refer to, bring forth, turn to, resort to  

आह्वान करना


Confrontation (noun) – iscord, dissension, clash, conflict, disagreement, altercation  



Given (preposition) – Considering, taking into account, bearing in mind

देखते हुए


Rival (noun) – Competitor, opponent, adversary



Remark (noun) – Comment, statement, observation



Critical of (phrase) – Disapproving of, condemning, censuring

आलोचना करते हुए



Chill (noun) – Unfriendliness, lack of understanding, lack of sympathy, lack of warmth



Outlast (verb) – Survive, live longer than, outlive

से अधिक समय तक रहना


Vote out (phrasal verb) – Oust from position through a vote

वोट द्वारा बाहर करना


Unlike (preposition) – In contrast to, as opposed to



NATO (noun) – The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, an intergovernmental military alliance between North American and European countries. उत्तर अटलांटिक संधि संगठन


Alliance (noun) – Coalition, confederation, federation, union, pact

संघटन/ संधि



Rupture (noun) – Disagreement, separation, estrangement, breach, rift, breakup

संबंध विच्छेद, अलगाव


Fraught (adjective) – tense, anxious, charged, stressed

खराब/ तनावपूर्ण


Cold (adjective) – Unemotional, impassive, unresponsive, reserved, indifferent



Reflection (noun) – Contemplation, deliberation, meditation, musing, pondering

चिंतन/ सोच- विचार


Admit (verb) – Confess, acknowledge, concede, accept

स्वीकार करना



Assertion (noun) – Claim, declaration, statement, contention, affirmation



Safe haven (noun) – A place of safety or refuge; a shelter

सुरक्षित शरण स्थल


Separatist (adjective) – Relating to people or groups wanting to form a separate independent state or organization



Interpol (noun) – An international criminal police organization that facilitates worldwide police cooperation



Red corner notice (noun) – An international request to locate and provisionally arrest an individual pending extradition or similar legal action


Hail (verb) – Acclaim, praise, commend, applaud, salute

प्रशंसा करना


Decade (noun) – A period of ten years



Mistrust (noun) – Distrust, suspicion, doubt, skepticism, disbelief



Brush aside (phrasal verb) – Dismiss, reject, disregard, ignore, overlook



Reset (noun) – A process or instance of setting, adjusting, or fixing something in a new or different way



Free trade (noun) – A policy by which a government does not discriminate against imports or interfere with exports by applying tariffs or subsidies


Acrimonious (adjective) – Bitter, rancorous, caustic, resentful, hostile



On the sidelines of (phrase) – not actively involved; observing rather than taking part

के मौके पर


Niceties (noun) – Details, subtleties, nuances, refinements, particulars
