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Expertise over politics

Expertise over politics: On the Cauvery water dispute

Litigation over water can be avoided only with fixed distress sharing norms 

In declining to interfere with the order of the Cauvery Water Management Authority (CWMA), directing Karnataka to release 5,000 cubic feet of water per second (cusecs) to Tamil Nadu until September 27, the Supreme Court has rightly chosen to defer to the wisdom of an expert body that is better placed to apportion the available water in a rainfall deficit year. Karnataka had approached the apex-court against the order, contending that it was suffering from a shortfall of over 53% in inflows to its reservoirs this year, following a weak south-west monsoon, and was not in a position to release 5,000 cusecs for 15 more days. To its credit , the upper riparian State has been complying with the CWMA’s order amid pressure and protests from some political parties and organisations. Earlier, Tamil Nadu had approached the Court in mid-August to seek directions for water release from Karnataka’s reservoirs so that the quantum stipulated for it for the second half of August and whole of September could be realised. The Court had then sought a report from the CWMA, which has spelt-out the extent of the distress this year. The 15-day period for which the current CWMA order is applicable ends on September 27, and the Authority’s assisting body, the Cauvery Water Regulation Committee (CWRC) is scheduled to meet on September 26 to consider the situation afresh. The dispute has surfaced after a few years, once again highlighting the fact that the parties need a regular formula to share the shortfall and distress in years when the monsoon fails.

In years of abundance , there is little difficulty in Karnataka releasing the water in compliance with the final award of the Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal , as modified by the Supreme Court in 2018. It is well-known that much of this release is the natural downstream flow of water during heavy rainfall from brimming reservoirs. It is only during deficit years that the States involved feel that the Court will pass favourable orders even if the CWMA does not. This kind of yearly adjudication and seasonal litigation should not become the norm. The CWMA should utilise the opportunity to come up with a permanent formula on how to assess deficit in a given year. Even on the manner of assessment of deficit, the two States have divergent views. It is now up to the CWMA and the CWRC in gathering data on rainfall, inflows and storage, to evolve an acceptable formula to apportion the shortfall in an equitable way. It is inevitable that neither State will be satisfied with the quantum of release ordered by the CWMA, but it is at this point that politics should yield to domain expertise.


Litigation (noun) – legal proceeding, trial , hearing, lawsuit, legal case, case




Distress (noun) – anguish, suffering, pain, torment, trouble



Norm (noun) – standard, rule, guideline, criterion, benchmark



Direct (verb) – order, instruct, command, dictate, guide

निर्देशित करना


Defer (verb) – postpone, delay, adjourn, put off



Wisdom (noun) – insight, intelligence, prudence, sagacity



Apportion (verb) – allocate, distribute, divide, assign, allot

वितरण करना


Deficit (noun) – shortage, scarcity, lack, shortfall



Approach (verb) – Contact, Accost, Speak to, Talk to, Get in touch with




The apex court (noun) – Supreme Court, highest judicial court

सर्वोच्च न्यायालय


Contend (verb) – argue, assert, maintain, claim

तर्क करना


Suffering (noun) – misery, agony, hardship, distress




Reservoir (noun) – storage, container, tank, basin



Following (preposition) – after, subsequent to, in the wake of

के बाद


To one’s credit (phrase) – to one's advantage, praise, or honor

किसी की प्रशंसा में


Riparian (adjective) – related to the bank of a river

नदी के किनारे संबंधित


Comply (with) (verb) – obey, adhere to, follow, conform to

पालन करना


Amid (preposition) – amongst, in the middle of, surrounded by

के बीच


Seek (verb) – to search for or try to obtain something.



Quantum (noun) – amount, quantity, measure



Stipulate (verb) – specify, demand, require

निर्धारित करना


Spell out (phrasal verb) – explain, make clear, elucidate

स्पष्ट रूप से बताना


Assisting (adjective) – aiding, helping, supportive



Surface (verb) – come up, emerge, appear

प्रकट होना


Highlight (verb) – emphasize, underline, stress, spotlight, accentuate

जोर देना


Abundance (noun) – plenty, profusion, surplus, excess, opulence



In compliance with (phrase) – in accordance with, following, obeying, adhering to



Final Award (noun) – Final decision


Tribunal (noun) – court, judicatory, judiciary, bench, board of arbiters

न्यायिक मंडल



Brimming (adjective) – full to the top, overflowing, teeming, filled

भरपूर होना


Adjudication (noun) – judgement, decision, determination, resolution



Assess (verb) – evaluate, appraise, estimate, judge, rate

मूल्यांकन करना


Assessment (noun) – evaluation, appraisal, analysis, examination



Divergent (adjective) – differing, dissimilar, disparate, contrasting



Evolve (verb) – develop, progress, advance, mature

विकसित होना



Equitable (adjective) – fair, just, equal, impartial, unbiased



Inevitable (adjective) – unavoidable, certain, sure, inescapable



Yield (verb) – produce, provide, generate, give, furnish

उत्पन्न करना


Domain (noun) – realm, territory, province, field, area
