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Identity pangs

Identity pangs : On Aadhaar and concerns   

A report on global digital IDs brings Aadhaar’s limitations , risks back into focus

In an innocuously titled report on “ Decentralized Finance and Digital Assets” released last Saturday, global rating major Moody’s Investors Service has flagged some uncomfortable home-truths about India’s ambitious digital identification (ID) programme for residents, Aadhaar. As the world’s largest digital ID programme with biometric and demographic details of over a billion residents, Aadhaar stands-out for its scale. But at a broader level, the agency has red-flagged security and privacy risks from “centralised” digital ID systems such as Aadhaar, where a single entity controls identifying credentials . Moody’s, which has mooted decentralised ID systems that give users more control over their data, has also lent weight to worries about the efficacy of Aadhaar’s biometric-based authentication systems to verify identities. “The system often results-in service denials , and the reliability of biometric technologies, especially for manual labourers in hot, humid climates, is questionable ,” it said. While this observation is of relevance amid the government’s push to switch all payments under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act ( MGNREGA ) to an Aadhaar-based payment system, it echoes the concerns raised ever since its launch under the United Progressive Alliance regime.

The vigorous pursuit of Aadhaar, after some initial hesitation , under the present government has manifested in the 12-digit number becoming mandatory for almost all welfare benefits to weaker sections as well as activities such as opening bank or provident fund accounts, securing telephone connections and remitting taxes. Its use, backed by the expansion of access to no-frills bank accounts and mobile phone connections, has indeed enabled the direct transfer of benefits to millions in welfare schemes and weeding out ghosts and middlemen. Yet, there have also been instances of people being excluded from basic services for lack of an Aadhaar or labourers and senior citizens struggling to confirm their fingerprints and retina scans to prove they exist . An audit of the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India released last year, had flagged lapses that jeopardise privacy and compromise data security, along with flaws in enrolment processes leading to duplication and faulty biometrics. India has pushed for digital public infrastructure like the one built around the edifice of Aadhaar, as a means for service delivery in G-20 nations and beyond. Having appointed a part-time chief to the UIDAI last month after four years, the government must seek an honest review of, and course correction in the Aadhaar programme, before expanding its linkages further, be-it for electoral rolls, private entities or MGNREGA payments.


Pang (noun) – a sudden sharp pain or painful emotion.



Bring into focus (phrase) – to make something clear and understandable.


Limitation (noun) –  imperfection, flaw, shortcoming; restriction, curb, restraint



Concern (noun) – worry, apprehension, anxiety, unease, issue



Innocuously (adverb) – harmlessly, safely, inoffensively; without harm, without danger, benignly

बिना हानि पहुँचाए


Decentralized (adjective) – distributed, devolved, deconcentrated; local, non-centralized, dispersed



Flag (verb) – signal, indicate, point out; draw attention to, highlight, underline

सूचित करना


Home truth (phrase) – an unpleasant fact about oneself, especially as pointed out by another person.


Ambitious (adjective) – aspiring, ambitious, eager; desirous, avid, zealous



Credential (noun) – the qualities, experience, etc. that make somebody suitable for something



Demographic (adjective) – relating to the structure of populations. It deals with the statistical study of populations, including the structure, distribution, and trends in a population.



Stand out (phrasal verb) – to be easily seen or noticed

विशिष्‍ट होना


Moot (verb) – suggest, propose, put forward; raise, bring up, broach

प्रस्तुत करना



Lend weight to (phrase) – support, corroborate, confirm; substantiate, validate, verify

मजबूती देना


Efficacy (noun) – effectiveness, efficiency, power; capability, capacity, potency



Often (adverb) – frequently, regularly, habitually; repeatedly, again and again



Result in (phrasal verb) – cause, lead to, bring about; produce, create, generate

परिणाम होना


Denial (noun) – refusal, rejection, dismissal; contradiction, repudiation, rebuttal



Humid (adjective) – Moist, damp, muggy, wet



Questionable (adjective) – doubtful, dubious, uncertain; suspicious, suspect, untrustworthy



Relevance (noun) – pertinence, applicability, appropriateness; connection, relation, correlation



Amid (preposition) – in the middle of, surrounded by, among; between, amongst, amidst

के बीच


Push (noun) – effort, endeavour, try; campaign, movement, drive



MGNREGA (noun) – Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act is an Indian labour law and social security measure that aims to guarantee the 'right to work' and ensure livelihood security in rural areas by providing at least 100 days of wage employment in a financial year to every household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work


Vigorous (adjective) – energetic, dynamic, spirited; intense, strong, powerful



Pursuit (noun) – chase, quest, search; endeavor, effort, aspiration



Hesitation (noun) – reluctance, uncertainty, indecision; pause, delay




Manifest (verb) – display, exhibit, demonstrate; reveal, make known

प्रकट करना


Remit (verb) – send, transfer, dispatch; pay, hand over



Back (verb) – support, endorse, uphold; advocate, champion

समर्थन करना


No-frills (adjective) – (used about a service or product) offering or including only the basic features without any unnecessary or added things, in order to keep the price low


Indeed (adverb) – certainly, truly, actually; really, undeniably

वास्तव में



Weed out (phrasal verb) – eliminate, remove, get rid of; expel, exclude

निकाल देना


Instance (noun) – example, case, occurrence; illustration



Exist (verb) – live, survive, be; have existence, be alive



Audit (noun) – examination, inspection, review; assessment, appraisal



Lapse (noun) – mistake, error, fault; oversight, slip



Jeopardise (verb) – endanger, risk, threaten; put at risk, imperil

खतरे में डालना


Compromise (verb) – weaken, undermine, impair; jeopardize, endanger

कमजोर करना


Flaw (noun) – defect, fault, imperfection; error, mistake



Lead to (verb) – result in, cause, bring about; give rise to

वजह बनना


Push for (phrasal verb) – advocate for, campaign for, work towards

प्रचार करना


Infrastructure (noun) – structure, framework, base; facilities and systems



Edifice (noun) – building, structure, construction; complex, establishment



As a means of (phrase) – a method, way, or manner to achieve something

के माध्यम से


Seek (verb) – to search for or try to obtain something



Course correction (phrase) – making adjustments or alterations to the direction or methods initially decided upon to reach a goal or destination

मार्ग सुधार


Linkage (noun) – connection, link, association; relationship



Be it (phrase) – Whether 

चाहे यह हो


Electoral roll (noun) – a list of persons who are eligible to vote in a particular electoral district

मतदाता सूची