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Frosty ties

Frosty ties : On the worsening India-Canada ties

Ordinary people will suffer as India and Canada cut down visa services

India and Canada are headed for an even frostier season in ties after the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA)’s latest move to pare down the number of Canadian diplomats in India, from 62 to 21. While New Delhi had made its demand to equalise the numbers in each other’s missions known last month, in the fiery aftermath of the Trudeau government’s allegations that India had a role in the killing of Canadian national and Khalistani activist Hardeep Singh Nijjar, matters were thought to have cooled down. It had even been hoped that quiet diplomacy was at work to repair ties. However, Canada continues to hold, without proffering any further proof, that India must cooperate in its investigations against unnamed Indian officials, while India is standing by measures it has taken in reprisal : last month, after the tit-for-tat expulsions of their respective diplomats from security agencies, the Modi government suspended visas for all Canadians, and demanded the downsizing of Canadian diplomatic strength. This week, India issued an ultimatum for the removal of two thirds of those numbers with a deadline of October 31 — after which India would unilaterally withdraw diplomatic immunity . As a result , Canada’s Foreign Ministry flew out 41 of its diplomats and their families, calling India’s demand a violation of international law including the Vienna Convention . The MEA has retorted that the convention’s Article 11.1 does authorise India to “require that the size of a mission be kept within limits”. Canada has also conveyed that with staffing shortages now, consulate in-person ” visa services would no longer be provided. The Canadian Immigration Minister has added that India’s moves would not deter Canada’s prosecution in the Nijjar case.

The developments indicate that if there had been any diplomatic efforts to defuse the situation in the past month, they have been fruitless . Apart from the Modi-Trudeau and National Security Adviser meetings that had discussed the Nijjar case, External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar had reportedly met Canadian Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly in the U.S. on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. None of those appears to have turned the trajectory of events; attempts by Canada’s “Five Eyes” Allies to mediate have not worked either. While the allies have supported Canada’s claims , they have also shored up their ties with India, with possible visits by the British, U.S. and Australian leaders that will assure New Delhi. With diplomatic options exhausted for now, it is hoped a period of reflection will bring fresh counsel on how to break the logjam . Till then, students, tourists and businesspersons will suffer.


Frosty (adjective) – Unfriendly, unsympathetic



Ties (noun) – Relationships, bonds, connections, links, associations



Worsening (adjective) – Deteriorating, declining, degrading, slipping, regressing

बिगड़ता हुआ


Cut down (phrasal verb) – Reduce, lessen, diminish, curtail, slash

कम करना


Head (for) (verb) – Move towards, proceed towards, make for, aim for

की दिशा में बढ़ना


Pare down (phrasal verb) – Trim, decrease, reduce, diminish, curtail

कम करना


Diplomat (noun) – Envoy, ambassador, consul, representative



Equalise (verb) – Balance, level, match, even out

समान करना


In the aftermath (phrase) – Following, as a result, in the wake of, subsequently



Allegation (noun) – Accusation, charge, claim, assertion



Fiery (adjective) – Passionate, intense, fervent, vehement, heated



Cool down (phrasal verb) – Calm, settle, relax, pacify

शांत होना


Diplomacy (noun) – Negotiation, mediation, discussion, dialogue



Proffer (verb) – Offer, extend, present, give, propose

प्रस्तुत करना


Stand (verb) – adopt a particular attitude towards a matter or issue.

स्थिर रहना


Reprisal (noun) – Retaliation, revenge, retribution



Tit-for-tat (noun) – An equivalent retaliation, payback, reciprocation

जैसे को तैसा


Expulsion (noun) – Ousting, removal, ejection



Suspend (verb) – Halt, stop, cease, discontinue

बंद करना, रोक देना


Downsize (verb) – Reduce, cut back, diminish

कम करना


Ultimatum (noun) – Final demand, final warning, final notice

अंतिम चेतावनी


Unilaterally (adverb) – Individually, single-handedly, independently

एकतरफा रूप से


Immunity (noun) – Exemption, protection, impunity



As a result (phrase) – Consequently, therefore, hence



Fly out (phrasal verb) – Depart, leave, exit



Violation (noun) – Breach, infringement, transgression, contravention, trespass



Convention (noun) – Agreement, treaty, accord, protocol



Retort (verb) – Reply, respond, answer, rebut, counter

जवाब देना


Authorise (verb) – Approve, endorse, sanction, permit, allow

अधिकृत करना


Convey (verb) – Communicate, transmit, impart, relay, pass on



Consulate (noun) – The premises officially occupied by a consul, an official appointed by a government to live in a foreign city and protect and promote the government's citizens and interests there.



In-person (adjective) – Denoting someone's physical presence.

व्यक्तिगत रूप से


Immigration (noun) – The action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country.



Deter (verb) – Discourage, prevent, stop, hinder



Prosecution (noun) – Legal proceedings, lawsuit, litigation, legal action



Diplomatic (adjective) – Tactful, strategic, delicate, discreet



Defuse (verb) – De-escalate, calm down, settle, alleviate

शांत करना


Fruitless (adjective) – Unsuccessful, unproductive, futile, vain



Reportedly (adverb) – Allegedly, supposedly, apparently, ostensibly

कथित रूप से


On the sidelines of (phrase) – At the same time or in addition to something else, especially something more important, often referring to a meeting or event that is not the main focus.

के मौके पर


Trajectory (noun) – Path, course, track, route



Ally (noun) – Partner, colleague, associate, collaborator



Mediate (verb) – Intervene, intercede, arbitrate, negotiate

मध्यस्थता करना


Claim (noun) – Assertion, declaration, contention, allegation



Shore up (phrasal verb) – Support, sustain, maintain, bolster

सहारा देना


Exhaust (verb) – Deplete, drain, consume, use up

समाप्त कर देना


Reflection (noun) – Consideration, thought, deliberation, contemplation



Counsel (noun) – Advice, guidance, direction, instruction



Logjam (noun) – A situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible due to a disagreement, a deadlock.
