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Tiding over

Tiding over: On north India and its annual air quality inflection point in November

India’s States should ensure greater compliance on air pollution

Delhi and parts of the surrounding States of Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh encounter their annual air quality inflection point. This is the time when the southwest monsoon has receded and with it, the great drafts in the upper atmosphere that normally flush out pollutants from the gamut of anthropogenic activities such as construction, driving, power generation and the burning of agricultural residue . Through the years, there have been studies commissioned and executive action initiated to study, acknowledge and address the crisis. The science is also fairly clear on the relative contribution of pollutants and the limits of corrective intervention in the face-of adverse meteorology and the disruption to economic life that this can entail . The consequence of this is that the air pollution crisis has now devolved into a stalemate . The Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM), which is tasked with addressing the causes of air pollution in Delhi and the adjoining States, is now a body packed with expertise but whose powers are limited to evoking and recommending grades of measures depending on the degree of deterioration in air quality.

While the CAQM pointed out, as recently as October 31, that the daily average air quality in Delhi from January to October of this year was the best in the last six years, it elides the fact that the number of days in November when air quality becomes ‘severe’ (over 450 AQI) has remained roughly the same. Thus, in 2022, the AQI was in the severe category in the first fortnight of November for three days, the same as in 2021, 2020 and 2019. While there is greater awareness and action to curb the sources of pollution, November, which has in recent years emerged as the critical month for pollution, remains to be tamed . Incidents of stubble burning in Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh this year have been roughly half that when compared to previous years, though the weeks ahead are expected to see more such activity. While the measures earlier have seen an institutionalised response to tackle air pollution, it is now time for a concerted approach to address these challenges of November. Beyond stubble burning, this means addressing the more daunting challenges of vehicular pollution and construction dust. While urban Delhi could have always blamed the distant farm fires for the pollution crisis, tackling November may mean hard measures and greater inconvenience . Bodies such as the CAQM have to assert their independent credentials and ensure greater coordination and compliance within Delhi and the surrounding States to address the challenge.


Tide over (phrasal verb) – Surmount, overcome, get through, withstand, weather

पार पाना



Compliance (noun) – Adherence, conformity, obedience, acquiescence, agreement



Surrounding (adjective) – Adjacent, neighboring, encircling, encompassing, abutting

आसपास का



Encounter (verb) – Face, confront, meet, come across, run into

सामना करना


 Recede (verb) – Retreat, go back, ebb, subside, withdraw

पीछे जाना



Draft (noun) – a current of cool air in a room or other confined space.

ठंडी हवा का झोंका


Flush out (phrasal verb) – Cleanse, clear out, expel, purge, wash out

निकाल फेंकना


Pollutant (noun) – Contaminant, impurity, toxin, poison, pollutant



Gamut (noun) – Range, spectrum, scope, breadth, span




Anthropogenic (adjective) – Human-induced, man-made, human-caused

मानव निर्मित


Residue (noun) – Remainder, remnant, leftover, residue, sediment




Commission (verb) – Appoint, charge, empower, authorize, delegate

शामिल करना


Executive (noun) – Administrator, manager, director, leader, executive



Acknowledge (verb) – Recognize, admit, accept, concede, note

स्वीकार करना


Address (verb) – Tackle, deal with, attend to, confront, handle



Intervention (noun) – Interference, involvement, intercession, mediation, intrusion




In the face of (phrase) – When confronted with

सामना करते हुए


Adverse (adjective) – Unfavorable, harmful, detrimental, deleterious, inimical




Meteorology (noun) – The science of the atmosphere

मौसम विज्ञान



Entail (verb) – Involve, necessitate, require, demand, imply

आवश्यक होना


Devolve (verb) – Delegate, transfer, pass on, hand down, bequeath



Stalemate (noun) – Deadlock, impasse, standoff, draw, halt



Task (with) (verb) – Assign, charge, entrust, appoint, delegate



Adjoining (adjective) – Adjacent, next to, abutting, contiguous, neighboring

सटा हुआ


Packed (with) (adjective) – Full, jammed, loaded, filled, chock-full

भरा हुआ


Expertise (noun) – Skill, proficiency, mastery, knowledge, competence



Deterioration (noun) – Decline, degeneration, decay, degradation, worsening



Evoke (verb) – Summon, elicit, induce, provoke, kindle

पैदा करना


Point out (phrasal verb) – Indicate, identify, highlight, specify, mention

संकेत करना


Elide (verb) – leave out, exclude, fail to include, except, shut out,



Severe (adjective) – Harsh, extreme, acute, drastic, stringent



Fortnight (noun) – a period of two weeks

दो सप्ताह का समय


Curb (verb) – Restrain, check, contain, suppress, inhibit



Tame (verb) – Subdue, domesticate, moderate, soften, master

वश में करना


Concerted (adjective) – strenuous, vigorous;  collective, combined,



Stubble (noun) – The stumps of wheat, rye, barley, oats or buckwheat, left in the ground 




Daunting (adjective) – Intimidating, discouraging, formidable, disconcerting, daunting



Distant (adjective) – Far away, remote, far-flung, far-off, removed




Inconvenience (noun) – Disturbance, bother, trouble, hassle, discomfort



Assert (verb) – Declare, affirm, proclaim, state, aver

जोर देना


Credential (noun) – A qualification, achievement, quality, or aspect of a person's background, especially when used to indicate their suitability for something


Coordination (noun) – Synchronization, cooperation, collaboration, arrangement, orchestration



Institutionalised (adjective) – established in practice or custom

स्थापित हुआ