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Widening divide

Widening divide: On how little has changed in Manipur 

Peace in Manipur cannot be restored by half-measures

Six months after a violent conflagration set in motion an ethnic conflict in Manipur, little has changed in bridging the divide between the Meitei and Kuki-Zo communities and in reducing the hostility . Every few days there is a violent occurrence or a provocative move from partisans on either side of the conflict, which heightens tensions and widens the divide even further with nothing being done to reverse the course and bring back normalcy to areas most prone to violence. The announcement, on Wednesday, by the Indigenous Tribal Leaders Forum (ITLF), which represents Kuki-Zo groups, that it is pursuing “self-rule” with a separate “chief minister” in districts dominated by the tribal community, points to yet another hardening of stances that has prolonged the conflict. Such a move, which has no legal basis, is also bound to enrage Meiteis, especially those whose key grievances include the special land ownership rights to tribals in the State’s hill districts. That the announcement came just a week after an Intelligence Bureau team and Ministry of Home Affairs officials held meetings in Churachandpur is an indication that the Union government is losing the plot in Manipur. The government has tried to keep a tenuous peace going by not enacting any change in the leadership of the Bharatiya Janata Party-led State government even after its failures in maintaining law and order. A leadership change has been a key demand by the Kuki-Zo community representatives besides others. The Union government has meanwhile relied upon paramilitary forces to quell the violence in areas adjoining the Imphal valley and the hill areas. It has taken a recourse to provisions of Article 355 to maintain peace, despite denying its imposition in the State.

This ploy has ostensibly been undertaken to retain the support of Meitei partisans who have refused to allow any change of leadership in the State government and also to address the Kuki-Zo people’s distrust of the State police. Yet, the outcome has been a sharpening of the divide with partisans on either side raging against these half-measures. In the absence of a clear détente and the beginning of a dialogue process to rebuild an enduring peace and fraternal relations between the communities that would facilitate the return of people, even sporadic incidents have exacerbated the situation, making peace-building daunting . Unless the BJP’s central leadership changes its stubborn strategy of maintaining a discreet silence while using administrative ploys to contain the conflict, the festering in Manipur is bound to continue.


Widen (verb) – Expand, broaden, enlarge, stretch, extend

विस्तार करना


Restore (verb) – Reestablish, rejuvenate, renew, revive, reinstate

पुनर्स्थापित करना


Half-measure (noun) – Incomplete solution, partial measure, halfway effort, insufficient step, makeshift arrangement

आधा-अधूरा उपाय



Conflagration (noun) – Large fire, blaze, inferno, holocaust, bonfire

विशाल आग


Set in motion (phrase) – Initiate, start, trigger, activate, commence

शुरु करना


Ethnic (adjective) – Racial, cultural, tribal, ethnological, ancestral



Bridge the divide (phrase) – Overcome differences, reconcile, unite, connect, close the gap

मतभेदों को कम करना


Hostility (noun) – Aggression, antagonism, enmity, animosity, opposition



Occurrence (noun) – Event, incident, happening, situation, episode



Provocative (adjective) – Inciting, stimulating, aggravating, inflammatory, instigative

उकसाने वाला


Partisan (noun) – Supporter, follower, advocate, enthusiast, adherent



Heighten (verb) – Intensify, increase, amplify, escalate, magnify



Normalcy (noun) – Normality, regularity, ordinariness, usualness, standard condition

सामान्य स्थिति


Prone (to) (adjective) – Susceptible, liable, inclined, predisposed, vulnerable

प्रवृत्त होना


Pursue (verb) – Follow, chase, seek, strive for, go after

पीछा करना


Point to (phrasal verb) – Indicate, suggest, signify, denote, imply

संकेत करना


Stance (noun) – Position, standpoint, attitude, posture, approach



Prolong (verb) – Extend, lengthen, continue, stretch out, protract

लम्बा करना


Bound (to) (adjective) – very likely to do something

बहुत संभावना है          


Enrage (verb) – Anger, infuriate, incense, madden, provoke

क्रोधित करना


Grievance (noun) – Complaint, problem, objection, issue, discontent



Lose the plot (phrase) – Become confused, lose focus, stray from the point, miss the main issue, get sidetracked

मुख्य बिंदु से भटकना; भ्रमित हो जाना


Tenuous (adjective) – Weak, insubstantial, flimsy, fragile, slight



Go by (phrasal verb) – to base an opinion, decision, or judgment on something


Enact (verb) – Legislate, decree, pass, establish, implement

पारित करना


Meanwhile (adverb) – Interim, meantime, during this time, concurrently, simultaneously 

इस बीच


Rely (upon/on) (verb) – Depend on, trust in, count on, bank on, lean on

  निर्भर करना


Quell (verb) – Suppress, subdue, put down, extinguish, crush

शांत करना, कुचलना


Adjoin (verb) – Abut, border, neighbor, attach, butt 

सटना; जुड़ा होना


Take a recourse to (phrase) – Resort to, turn to, make use of, employ, utilize 

सहारा लेना


Imposition (noun) – Enforcement, infliction, introduction, levy, institution 



Ploy (noun) – Maneuver, tactic, strategy, ruse, trick 



Ostensibly (adverb) – Apparently, seemingly, on the surface, outwardly, superficially 

प्रत्यक्ष रूप से


Undertake (verb) – Embark on, engage in, commence, initiate, start 

आरंभ करना


Address (verb) – Tackle, deal with, attend to, concentrate on, focus on 



Distrust (noun) – Suspicion, mistrust, doubt, skepticism, disbelief 



Outcome (noun) – Result, consequence, upshot, aftermath, effect 



Rage (verb) – Fume, storm, seethe, boil, bristle 

क्रोध करना


Détente (noun) – Easing of tension, thawing, relaxation, rapprochement, reconciliation

  शांति बनाए रखना


Enduring (adjective) – Lasting, durable, long-lasting, abiding, permanent 



Fraternal (adjective) – Brotherly, congenial, amicable, friendly, cordial 

भाई जैसा



Facilitate (verb) – Ease, assist, help, aid, expedite

  सुगम बनाना


Sporadic (adjective) – Occasional, infrequent, irregular, periodic, scattered 



Exacerbate (verb) – Worsen, aggravate, intensify, increase, heighten 



Daunting (adjective) – Intimidating, disconcerting, discouraging, formidable, dismaying 

भयभीत करने वाला


Stubborn (adjective) – Obstinate, unyielding, inflexible, intransigent, adamant 




Discreet (adjective) – intentionally unobtrusive.



Contain (verb) – Control, restrain, hold back, check, curb 

नियंत्रित करना


Festering (noun) – Rankling, smoldering, gnawing, irritation, bitterness 

बदतर होता