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End the secrecy

End the secrecy: On the actions of Indian agencies abroad

India must respond meaningfully to allegations against its agents

India’s decision to resume e-visas for Canadian citizens worldwide is a significant step towards restoring travel ties with Canada, which were snapped in September during the Diplomatic stand-off following Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s allegations that Indian government agents had masterminded the assassination of a Khalistani leader. While India had restored certain categories of the visa last month, e-visa and tourist visas remained under suspension due to the threat to Indian diplomats from Khalistani groups. According to External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar, the restoration of visas for Canadians was due to the “situation becoming more secure”. However, the step does not necessarily mean a restoration of normal ties. After India cancelled visas for Canadians and demanded that Canada cut-down its diplomatic strength by two-thirds for “ parity purposes”, Canada had flown out more than 40 of its diplomats and their family members and reduced its visa issuance capacity as well. With travel visas curtailed on both sides, business and investment ties too suffered, especially as Canada had already suspended talks for a Free Trade Agreement after the killing of the Khalistani leader, Hardeep Singh Nijjar. While Mr. Jaishankar and the Canadian Foreign Minister met each other in the U.S. in September, political ties have virtually shut down .

In addition , a new controversy, sparked by Washington, has emerged over a report that Indian government agencies were plotting to target another Khalistani leader, Sikhs for Justice leader Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, in the U.S. Like Nijjar, Pannun, a U.S.-Canadian dual national, is wanted in India for inciting violence against Indians and Indian diplomats, and for recently issuing a “warning” to travellers not to take “Air India” flights after November 19. This menacing statement harks back to the bombing of Air India Flight 182 out of Montreal, which killed all 329 on board , in 1985. A White House statement confirmed news reports that U.S. officials had raised the issue during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Washington in June. This indicates that the issue over Khalistani separatists is far from dying down , despite New Delhi’s conversations with western partners at the 2+2 dialogues with the U.S. and Australia, respectively, and Mr. Jaishankar’s recent visit to the U.K. In sharp contrast to the recent past, the government, which had rejected the Canadian allegations as “ absurd and motivated”, has been surprisingly accommodating of the U.S.’s allegations. The External Affairs Ministry issued a statement that said India is examining the “U.S. inputs ” and would take “necessary follow-up action ”. While these are no doubt matters of national security, it is time the government shed some of the secrecy surrounding its dual responses and crafted its future course of action more coherently .


Allegation (noun) – Accusation, Charge, Claim, Assertion, Imputation



Restore (verb) – Reestablish, Revive, Reconstitute, Reinstate, Reinstigate

पुनर्स्थापित करना


Ties (noun) – Relations, Bonds, Connections, Links, Associations



Snap (verb) – Break, Sever, Fracture, Split, Tear



Diplomatic (adjective) – Tactful, Political, Strategic, Statesmanlike, Negotiatory



Stand-off (noun) – Deadlock, Stalemate, Impasse, Standstill, Dead end



Following (preposition) – After, Subsequent to, In the wake of, Post, Pursuing

के बाद


Mastermind (verb) – Plan, Engineer, Orchestrate, Devise, Scheme

योजना बनाना


Assassination (noun) – Murder, Killing, Homicide, Execution, Slaying



Suspension (noun) – Interruption, Stoppage, Halt, Pause, Discontinuance



Restoration (noun) – Reinstatement, Reestablishment, Reconstruction, Revival, Renewal



Necessarily (adverb) – Inevitably, Invariably, Unavoidably, Indubitably, Without fail

अनिवार्य रूप से


Cut down (phrasal verb) – Reduce, Decrease, Lessen, Diminish, Curtail

कम करना


Parity (noun) – the state of being equal, especially in relation to pay and position



Diplomat (noun) – Ambassador, Envoy, Emissary, Delegate, Representative



Curtail (verb) – Reduce, Trim, Lessen, Shorten, Cut back

कम करना


Suspend (verb) – Halt, Stop, Discontinue, Interrupt, Postpone



Free Trade Agreement (noun) – treaties between two or more countries designed to reduce or eliminate certain barriers to trade and investment, and to facilitate stronger trade and commercial ties between participating countries.

व्यापार संधि


Virtually (adverb) – Practically, Essentially, Effectively, Almost, Nearly



Shut down (phrasal verb) – Close, Discontinue, Cease, Stop, Terminate

बंद करना


In addition (phrase) – Furthermore, Moreover, Also, Additionally, Besides

इसके अतिरिक्त


Spark (verb) – Ignite, Trigger, Provoke, Stir up, Incite



Plot (verb) – Scheme, Plan, Conspire, Devise, Hatch

षड्यंत्र रचना


Incite (verb) – Provoke, Stir up, Urge, Encourage, Instigate



Menacing (adjective) – Threatening, Intimidating, Frightening, Alarming, Ominous

धमकी भरा


Hark back to (phrase) – Recall, Remember, Revert to, Reflect on, Think back to

याद करना


On board (phrase) – Aboard, In or on a ship, plane, or other vehicle

में सवार


Separatist (noun) – Secessionist, Divisionist, Disunionist, Splittist, Autonomist



Die down (phrasal verb) – Decrease, Diminish, Lessen, Subside, Abate

कम होना


In contrast to (phrase) – As opposed to, In comparison with, Unlike, Contrary to

के विपरीत


Absurd (adjective) – Ridiculous, Preposterous, Ludicrous, Foolish, Irrational



Accommodate (verb) – Adjust, Adapt, Fit, Suit, Conform

अनुकूल बनाना


Examine (verb) – Inspect, Scrutinize, Analyze, Study, Investigate

जांच करना


Input (noun) – Contribution, Feedback, Information, Data, Advice


Follow-up action (noun) – Subsequent measure, Next step, Further procedure, Continuation, Progression

अनुवर्ती कार्रवाई


Shed (verb) – Discard, Cast off, Drop, Jettison, Get rid of



Craft (verb) – Create, Construct, Design, Fabricate, Forge

तैयार करना


Coherently (adverb) – Logically, Consistently, Systematically, Rationally, Clearly

सुसंगत रूप से