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Far-right turn

Far-right turn: On Geert Wilders’ win in the Netherlands

The rising tide of ethno-nationalist politics in Europe is worrying.

The victory of Geert Wilders, a far-right, anti-Islam populist, in the parliamentary elections has put the Netherlands, long seen as one of the most socially liberal countries in Europe, at a crossroads. According to the preliminary results, Mr. Wilders’s Party for Freedom (PVV) has emerged as the single largest party with 37 seats in the 150-member lower house. The Labour-Green coalition won 25 seats, while the incumbent People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) secured 24. While the PVV is far from the 76 seats needed for a majority, its formidable performance (it won three more seats than what the VVD won in the last elections) puts Mr. Wilders in a position to start coalition talks and on a potential path towards becoming the country’s first far-right Prime Minister. Over the years, Mr. Wilders has built an image of himself as one of the most radical far-right populists in Europe. He has called for “de-Islamising” the Netherlands, shutting down mosques, banning the Koran, and closing the borders to migrants from Muslim-majority countries. He made the influx of migrants a strong political issue during the campaign, which appears to have helped him deal the greatest blow to the political establishment.

The PVV’s victory is neither surprising nor isolated. Mr. Wilders, a member of the House of Representative since 1998, split from the conservative VVD in 2004 to form the PVV. Since then, he has been pushing his brand of populism in Dutch politics. In the past, the VVD, led by outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte, avoided tying up with the PVV because of the latter’s controversial views. But by grabbing the highest number of seats in the House, the PVV has now placed itself at the centre of Dutch politics. It is not certain whether Mr. Wilders will be able to put together a governing coalition. But even if he is kept out of power, the leader of the largest party in Parliament cannot be ignored. His rise is in line with the rise of far-right parties and populists across Europe. In France, Marine Le Pen finished a close second in the 2022 presidential elections. In Italy, a party with neo-fascist origins is in power. In Germany, the AfD, which has neo-Nazi roots, is the second most popular party. This should be a wake-up call for the establishment parties in the West. The far-right is using the immigration and the cost-of-living crises to mobilise the public under its exclusive, ethno-nationalist brand of politics, while the political centre is struggling to hold. Establishment parties should have a clear economic agenda and political vision to arrest the rising tide of far-right politics, which echoes Europe’s dangerous and not-so-distant past.


Far-right (adjective) – belonging to or representing the views of the extreme right wing of a political party or group

चरम दक्षिणपंथी


Rising tide (noun) – Upsurge, swell, wave, surge, increase


Ethno-nationalist (adjective) – Of or relating to a type of nationalism which defines the nation in terms of a shared ethnicity 

जातीय राष्ट्रवादी


Populist (adjective) – Popular, crowd-pleasing, democratic, people-oriented

लोकलुभावना वाला जनलोकप्रिय


Put something at a crossroad (phrase) – Bring to a critical or decisive point requiring significant decisions.

एक निर्णायक मोड़ पर लाना


Liberal (adjective) – Progressive, open-minded, tolerant, permissive, broad-minded



Preliminary (adjective) – Initial, preparatory, introductory, opening, first



Coalition (noun) – Alliance, partnership, union, amalgamation, bloc



Incumbent (adjective) – Current, existing, present, in office, occupying

पदधारी/ मौजूदा


Secure (verb) – Obtain, acquire, achieve, garner, clinch

प्राप्त करना


Formidable (adjective) – Intimidating, daunting, fearsome, impressive, powerful

प्रभावशाली, जबरदस्त


Potential (adjective) – Possible, latent, prospective, probable, future



Call for (phrasal verb) – Demand, require, necessitate, request, entail

मांग करना


De-islamise (verb) – Remove Islamic influences or elements from a society.

इस्लामी प्रभाव को हटाना


Shut down (phrasal verb) – Close, cease operations, terminate, discontinue, end

बंद करना


Mosque (noun) – a Muslim place of worship;



Migrant (noun) – Immigrant, emigrant, settler, newcomer, transmigrant



Influx (noun) – Arrival, incoming, flow, stream, surge



Deal blow to (phrase) – Harm, damage, hurt, impair, weaken

नुकसान पहुंचाना


Establishment (noun) – the people in positions of power in a country, who usually do not support change

सत्ताधारी वर्ग


Isolated (adjective) – Separate, detached, solitary, segregated, aloof



Conservative (adjective) – Traditional, conventional, orthodox, old-fashioned, cautious



Populism (noun) – political ideas and activities that are intended to get the support of ordinary people by giving them what they want



Tie up (phrasal verb) – to form a relationship with someone

के साथ गठबंधन करना


Grab (verb) – secure, snatch, capture, take hold of, clutch



Governing (adjective) – Ruling, managing, administering, controlling, directing



In line with (phrase) – Consistent with, in accordance with, in agreement with, following, conforming to

के अनुरूप


Neo-fascist (adjective) – of, relating to, or characterized by neo-fascism


Wake-up call (noun) – Alert, signal, reminder, notification, warning



The West (noun) – it refers to U.S and other European Countries


Immigration (noun) – Migration, relocation, movement, travel, settlement



Cost-of-living crisis (noun) – a situation in which the cost of basic, essential items such as food and energy bills have increased rapidly in a short period of time, and much faster than average household wages


Mobilise (verb) – Organize, rally, muster, assemble



Agenda (noun) – Program, plan, schedule, itinerary, roster



Arrest (verb) – Stop, halt, inhibit, detain, restrain



Echo (verb) – Resonate, reflect, reiterate, repeat, mirror

गूंज/ प्रतिध्वनि


Not-so-distant past (phrase) – A time not very long ago in the past.