Express View on the memory of chimps: The tyranny of retention
From almonds and walnuts, to fish, milk and health drinks — there’s many an old wives’ tale on sharpening that most essential trait of human intelligence. Those who have never heeded these suggestions on memory improvement, need not worry. Because neither have chimpanzees and bonobos , humanity’s closest living evolutionary cousins. In a study published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, it was found that the apes possess long-term memories that allow them to recognise faces from decades ago. Whether with family and friends or distant acquaintance , their memory doesn’t fail them.
This is not the first study that proves the cognitive competence of chimpanzees and bonobos. But what it does demonstrate is that these apes may have the longest nonhuman memory — being able to recall faces even from 26 years ago. Before this, dolphins were considered to be supreme recollectors . Their memory was accurate for up to 20 years. Elephants can keep records for up to 12 years while octopi long-term memory lasts for months. And they live for just one-five years.
It is difficult to know, of course, how proud chimpanzees and bonobos are of their cognitive feat . It is certain, however, that they have provided more ammunition to demanding Indian parents. It is only a matter of time before kids have to hear things like “even chimpanzees remember where they kept their keys”. But as much as memory, so prized in Indian learning traditions, it is important also, at times , to forget. People drink to do so. Memory, and remembering may serve to protect humans from unpleasant and dangerous situations. Yet, it can also force them to confront things they would rather not. The holiday season at the end of the year is, in a sense, a chance to forgive and forget — and rejoice in the moment. No reflection on months past or relationships lost, deadlines missed or resolutions broken. And perhaps people — also the apes — are best served this way.