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Good growth, low demand

Good growth, low demand: On the NSO projection  

Government spending seems to be propping up growth

The first advance estimates of national income for the current fiscal-year present a picture of an economy on steroids — of government spending. While the NSO has made bold to project real GDP growth marginally quickening to a 7.3% pace , from 2022-23’s 7.2%, scrutiny of sectoral output figures that together form the gross-value added, and the demand data reflected in expenditure numbers posit an economy still searching for durable drivers of consumption-led growth. While overall GVA growth is seen slowing to 6.9%, from the preceding fiscal’s 7%, the agriculture, livestock, forestry and fishing sector — the bedrock of the rural economy, one of the largest providers of work and the second-largest generator of economic value outside the services economy — will see output expanding by 1.8%, the slowest in eight years and less than half of 2022-23’s 4% pace. And even this pace of growth may be optimistic given the estimated shortfall in kharif output and lag in rabi sowing, particularly in paddy and pulses. Equally, the second-largest component of the services economy, the omnibus trade, hotels, transport, communication and broadcasting sector — also a large provider of jobs — is estimated to witness more than a halving in the pace of growth — to 6.3%, from 14% last fiscal. Here too, the estimates reflect the trend evident in the NSO’s November 30 release of second-quarter GDP estimates, and underscore the underlying loss of momentum in the post-pandemic rebound in services.

On the demand side, private final consumption expenditure — the largest component of GDP with a share that till two decades ago exceeded 60% — is projected to log its slowest non-pandemic year expansion in more than 20 years. At 4.4%, private consumption spending growth is estimated to have been at its lowest ebb since the pandemic and accompanying lockdowns caused spending to contract by more than 5% in 2020-21, and just over half of 2022-23’s 7.5% pace. With the rural economy struggling under the impact of the monsoon vagaries and the resultant weakness in farm output, demand for producers of a range of goods from soaps and detergents to packaged foods and two-wheelers is yet to regain any kind of vigour in the hinterland . Gross-fixed capital formation, which includes government capital spending, remains the main bright-spot and driver of momentum. The NSO pegs GFCF growing 10.3% to reach a record 34.9% share of GDP this fiscal. With the general election just ahead, policymakers face an unenviable choice — keep the spending spigot fully open to prop up growth at the risk of fiscal slippage  , or tighten the purse strings and risk further loss of momentum.

Given (preposition) – considering, taking into consideration, taking into account

देखते हुए

(noun) – estimate, forecast, prediction, calculation, prognosis,


(verb) – Predict, Predict, Envisage, Foresee

अनुमान लगाना

(noun) – impetus, energy, impulse, speed, velocity


(verb) – extend, increase, enlarge, grow, broaden

विस्तार करना

(noun) – A period of 10 years


(noun) – basis, base, foundation, root


(adverb) – slightly, a bit, minimally, negligibly


(adjective) – Long-lasting, enduring, stable, persistent, lasting


(adjective) – Hopeful, positive, confident, sanguine, buoyant


up (phrasal verb) – support, sustain, uphold, bolster, reinforce

समर्थन करना

(adjective) – Comprehensive, all-inclusive, all-embracing 


(adjective) – Associated, related, connected, linked, concurrent

संगत, साथ

(verb) – Record, enter, register, write down, document

दर्ज करना


Policymaker (noun) – Decision-maker, lawmaker, administrator, executive

नीति निर्माता


Witness (verb) – Observe, see, watch



Underlying (adjective) – Inherent, fundamental, basic, primary, integral



Unenviable (adjective) – Undesirable, difficult, thankless, tough



Posit (verb) – Propose, suggest, put forward, postulate, assert

प्रस्तावित करना, पेश करना


Contract (verb) – Shrink, reduce, decrease, diminish



Quickening (noun) – Acceleration, hastening, speeding up, increase in speed, spurt



Preceding (adjective) – Previous, prior, foregoing, antecedent, preceding



Vigour (noun) – Energy, vitality, verve, zest, pep



Rebound (verb) – Recover, bounce back, rally, revive, recuperate



Reflect (verb) – Show, indicate, demonstrate, manifest, exhibit  



Ebb (verb) – Recede, Decline, Diminish, Wane, Fade Away






Hinterland (noun) – Outlying areas, backcountry, remote areas, the boondocks, rural areas

पिछड़ा क्षेत्र


Vagaries (noun) – Unpredictable changes, fluctuations, variances, quirks, idiosyncrasies



Evident (adjective) – Obvious, apparent, clear, manifest, noticeable,



Fiscal Year (noun) – It start from 1 April and ends on 31st March


Underscore (verb) – Emphasize, highlight, stress, underline, accentuate

जोर देना


Scrutiny (noun) – Examination, inspection, review, analysis, assessment;



Pace (noun) – Speed, tempo, rate, rhythm, velocity



Government spending (noun) – spending by the public sector on goods and services such as education, health care and defence

सरकारी खर्च


On steroids (phrase) – Intensified, enhanced, supercharged, amplified, boosted

तीव्र गति से


Real GDP (noun) – a way of measuring a nation's output in terms of the value of its good and services, its investments, government spendings and exports with the prices of the base year.



Gross value added (noun) – the measure of the value of goods and services produced in an area, industry or sector of an economy


Driver (noun) – Important Factor.


Halving (noun) – Division in half, bisecting, splitting, cutting in two, dividing

आधा करना




Gross fixed capital formation (noun) – As per RBI, Gross capital formation refers to the ‘aggregate of gross additions to fixed assets (that is fixed capital formation) plus change in stocks during the counting period.’ Fixed asset refers to the construction, machinery and equipment.


Peg (verb) – Fix, set, secure, stabilize, anchor

निर्धारित करना


Spending Spigot (noun) – It refers to the control of financial outflows or expenditures


Fiscal slippage (noun) – Revenue loss to government due to corruption.


Tighten the purse strings (phrase) – to make less money available for spending

खर्च में कटौती करना


Bright spot (noun) – A good part of something that is otherwise entirely bad or unpleasant.