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Conjuring a catharsis

Conjuring a catharsis : On the government’s White Paper on the economy 

The White-Paper on the economy is a political diversion.

The Finance Ministry, in a White Paper on the economy placed in Parliament, has accused the Manmohan Singh-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) of 2004-2014, of botching the economy. The Ministry has sought credit for the Narendra Modi-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government’s repair and reform job since 2014 for lifting India to the world’s fifth largest economy from one of the ‘ Fragile-Five ’ 10 years ago. It listed 15 “high-profile” UPA “scams”, including coal, 2G spectrum, the Commonwealth Games and even a ₹44 crore misappropriation case in the Jammu & Kashmir cricket board. Hours before this, the Congress released a Black Paper on “10 years of Anyay Kaal (Era of Injustice)”. It highlights this government’s “economic blunders ” such as demonetisation (something the White Paper is silent on), the flawed GST regime , the unemployment situation with stagnant wage growth, farmers’ distress , and high inflation despite crude oil prices being lower than in the UPA’s times. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman questioned the UPA’s ‘extra-constitutional’ governance system and Dr. Singh’s failure to undertake reforms that were still pending after the 1991 liberalisation rush, and said this government delivered on those reforms and beyond. She even invoked cases from the 1950s and 1970s to argue that corruption runs in the Congress’s DNA.

The government’s assertion that the White Paper will serve as a record for posterity for India’s youth to know the efforts it took to undo the UPA- era damage and “ restore India’s glory”, belies its anxiety that the young may not be adequately convinced about recent years’ outcomes . That may explain the curious absence of real GDP growth and employment rates in the UPA and NDA years from the data-laden paper, which even compares waste volumes processed by urban local bodies. The paper argues the UPA failed to deliver GST and use Aadhaar effectively, but the NDA embraced and delivered on both. That a few BJP States, including Gujarat, had reservations about GST and Aadhaar at the time is a lost nuance . The NDA had a resounding majority twice, but has yet to find a consilient approach to undertake critical pending factor market reforms such as on land (an ordinance approach was abandoned in 2015) and labour (new Codes are yet to kick in ), while it had to backtrack on farm sector reforms. The UPA was a rainbow-coalition that navigated tricky terrains such as telecom and insurance FDI liberalisation and the India-U.S. civil nuclear deal. India’s reform journey has been marked by successive governments building on past efforts, rather than reversing course , and, in hindsight , many opportunities may be considered missed or bungled . The paper seems to be an attempt to temper voters’ higher expectations from a government with a majority mandate . But a pointed-finger leads to three pointing right back . It is no surprise that the White begot Black.

(noun) –A source of pride, source of honour, praise, commendation, acclaim श्रेय

(noun) – epoch, age, period, time, aeon, span युग

Accuse (of) (verb) – charge with, indict for, arraign for, take to court for,

दोष लगाना

Mandate (noun) – instruction, directive, direction, decree, command, order,


(verb) – emphasize, stress, underline, spotlight, accentuate

प्रमुखता से दिखाना


Course (noun) – Route, path, way, track, line, direction


(verb) – revive, return, rebuild, recover, renew

पुनर्स्थापित करना

(noun) – Regulation, decree, edict, directive, rule


(verb) –Desert, leave, forsake, discard, relinquish


(verb) – Accept, adopt, take on, undertake, espouse



Kick in (phrasal verb) – Begin to take effect, start working, become operative

प्रभाव में आना


Regime (noun) – Rule, system, scheme, procedure, method



Successive (adjective) – Consecutive, Sequential, Successional, Following, Subsequent




Seek (verb) – look for, search for, try to find, hunt for, pursue



Outcome (noun) – Result, consequence, upshot, aftermath, fruit



Resounding (adjective) – Emphatic, definitive, unequivocal, decisive, thunderous



Flawed (adjective) – Defective, imperfect, faulty, blemished, deficient



Distress (noun) – Agony, suffering, pain, hardship, anguish



Stagnant (adjective) – Static, unmoving, inert, stationary, unchanging



Anxiety (noun) – Worry, concern, apprehension, unease, nervousness



Diversion (noun) – Detour, deviation, diversionary tactic, distraction, deflection.



Invoke (verb) – to use a law in order to achieve something 

नियम, क़ानून आदि प्रयोग करना


Reservation (noun) – Doubt, Hesitation, Qualm, Misgiving, Reluctance



Mark (verb) – Denote, indicate, signify, represent, symbolize

चिह्नित करना


Question (verb) – Doubt, challenge, dispute, query, interrogate

सवाल करना


Conjure (verb) – Invoke, summon, evoke, call up, bring to mind

मन में लाना


Catharsis (noun) – Emotional release, purification, cleansing, relief, purgation

भावनात्मक शुद्धि



White paper (noun) – Government report, policy document, informational guide, official statement, authoritative report

सरकारी रिपोर्ट


Botch (verb) – Bungle, mishandle, mess up, spoil, ruin

गड़बड़ कर देना


Fragile Five (noun) – Term for economies of five emerging countries known for their vulnerability in the financial context 

आर्थिक संदर्भ में पांच उभरते देशों की अर्थव्यवस्थाओं के लिए एक शब्द जो उनकी भेद्यता के लिए जाना जाता है


Misappropriation (noun) – Embezzlement, theft, misapplication, misuse, pilfering



Blunder (noun) – Mistake, error, oversight, slip-up, faux pas

भारी गलती


Demonetisation (noun) – The act of withdrawing a currency from use as legal tender



Inflation (noun) – Price rise, cost increase, economic inflation, hyperinflation, inflationary trend



Undertake (verb) – Embark on, begin, start, commence, initiate



Liberalisation (noun) – The process of making policies less restrictive, deregulation, relaxation of rules 

नीतियों को कम प्रतिबंधात्मक बनाने की प्रक्रिया


Argue (verb) – Debate, contend, assert, reason, dispute

तर्क-वितर्क करना


Assertion (noun) – Declaration, statement, proclamation, contention, avowal



Posterity (noun) – Future generations, descendants, offspring, progeny, successors

वंश, संतान


Undo (verb) – Reverse, annul, cancel, nullify, repeal



Bely (verb) – Contradict, misrepresent, disguise, hide, falsify



Real GDP (noun) – Measure of a country's economic output adjusted for price changes 

मूल्य परिवर्तनों के लिए समायोजित एक देश के आर्थिक उत्पादन का माप


Data-laden (adjective) – Full of data, information-rich, data-packed, data-heavy, loaded with data

डेटा से भरपूर


Nuance (noun) – Subtlety, implication, shade, distinction, refinement



Consilient (adjective) – Agreeing, concordant, harmonious, coherent, unified



Backtrack (verb) – Retract, reverse, backpedal, withdraw, recant

पीछे हटना


Rainbow coalition (noun) – Alliance of diverse groups, multi-party coalition, collaborative partnership 

विविध समूहों का गठबंधन


Navigate (verb) – Steer, pilot, guide, maneuver, direct

मार्ग निर्देशन करना


Terrain (noun) – Land, territory, landscape, area, ground



In hindsight (noun) – Looking back, retrospectively, after the fact, in reflection

पीछे मुड़कर देखने पर


Bungle (verb) – Bungle, mishandle, mess up, spoil, ruin

गड़बड़ कर देना


Temper (verb) – Moderate, soften, mitigate, tone down, modulate

संयमित करना


A pointed finger leads to three pointing right back (phrase) – Indicates that criticism often applies to the critic as well

आलोचना अक्सर आलोचक पर भी लागू होती है


Beget (verb) – Generate, cause, produce, create, lead to

जन्म देना