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 Mitigating risks in infrastructure development

Mitigating risks in infrastructure development

With crores in damages and a tragic loss of lives, there is an urgent need for Sustainable infrastructure strategies

India looks back at a year that presented challenges, particularly in addressing the infrastructural damages resulting from natural disasters. Subsistence in Joshimath incurred a cost of over Rs. 565 crores in damage. Subsequently, rivers surged beyond the danger mark, wreaking havoc on the infrastructure and properties of Uttarakhand, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal and Delhi. The toll was grim , with 208 lives lost, 621 houses destroyed, and over 4,200 houses partially damaged across these states. Heavy rains further exacerbated the situation, causing an estimated 10,000 crores in damages, while under-construction bridge collapses in Gujarat, Mizoram and Bihar claimed numerous lives.

Much like the Silkyara-Barkot tunnel collapse, this incident exemplifies the vulnerability of infrastructure especially in eco-sensitive zones that jeopardise lives. The devastation of infrastructure, loss of lives, and drained resources serve as stark reminders, emphasising that prioritising sustainable infrastructure isn't merely a choice but an immediate imperative . Without this focus, our investments and dreams of advancement risk being swept away or collapsing altogether.

Tackling the Core Issue Crucial to averting such incidents is addressing the core factors that might precipitate them, such as reconsidering the L1 tender bidding system . Adopting more effective practices can contribute positively by promoting quality over solely opting for the lowest bidder. This cost-centric approach often results in compromises on the quality of materials and construction practices which may lead to catastrophic failures.

Conducting thorough geological and geotechnical surveys before construction, consulting experts in the field, and focusing on the use of high-quality are crucial steps. Active adoption of Geosynthetic materials and locally available materials in construction can be a pivotal step toward achieving sustainable infrastructure goals. Geosynthetic materials not only meet rigorous environmental standards but also enhance cost and time efficiency in project execution . The strategic use of Geosynthetic materials not only aligns with rigorous environmental standards but also plays a crucial role in improving the overall durability and longevity of infrastructure projects, ensuring a resilient and sustainable built environment.

A shift in the construction approach, prioritising quality and safety over cost-cutting, is essential. Opting for the Quality and Cost Based Selection System (QCBS), commonly utilised for consultancy contracts, would offer greater benefits. Incorporating advanced technologies and monitoring systems can also enhance the overall integrity of structures. These sustainable practices will not only contribute to long-term resilience but also align with global efforts to combat climate change.

In conclusion , the recent infrastructure incidents and challenges faced should serve as a compelling call to action, prompting the nation to revisit its construction practices. However, policymakers must approach this issue with a forward-looking perspective. The evolving technological landscape and heightened awareness regarding the importance of quality infrastructure provide a robust foundation for improvement. A collaborative effort involving government initiatives, industry partnerships, and public awareness holds the potential to reshape India's infrastructure paradigm .

By acknowledging and addressing the root causes, prioritising safety measures, and embracing sustainable construction methods, India can pave the way for a future where infrastructure not only withstands the test of time but also contributes significantly to the nation's overall progress.

(verb) – stress, highlight, underline, accentuate, underscore

ज़ोर देना

(adjective) – Bleak, somber, dark, dismal, dire


(adjective) – Disastrous, calamitous, devastating, ruinous, tragic


(verb) – Oppose, tackle, confront, challenge, fight against

मुकाबला करना

(verb) – Escalate, rocket, soar, shoot up, rise rapidly

तेजी से बढ़ना

(noun) – implementation, accomplishment, carrying out, enactment, fulfillment



Efficiency (noun) – Effectiveness, Productivity, Competence, Capability



Solely (adverb) – Only, exclusively, merely, purely



Mitigate (verb) – Alleviate, Reduce, Diminish, Lessen, Relieve

कम करना


Jeopardise (verb) – endanger, risk, threaten; put at risk, imperil

खतरे में डालना


Stark (adjective) – Harsh, clear, striking, distinct, bare




Robust (adjective) – Strong, sturdy, durable, vigorous, tough



Heightened (adjective) – Intensified, increased, magnified, amplified, enhanced

बढ़ा हुआ


Embrace (verb) – Accept, welcome, adopt, receive, take up



Resilient (adjective) – Robust, durable, strong, tough, hardy



Imperative (adjective) – Essential, crucial, vital, important, necessary 



Merely (adverb) – Just, only, simply, solely, exclusively;



Adoption (noun) – Acceptance, embracement, taking up, adoption, incorporation



Pivotal (adjective) – Crucial, central, key, vital, essential.



Policymaker (noun) – Decision-maker, legislator, official, regulator, authority,

नीति निर्माता


Often (adverb) – Frequently, regularly, commonly, usually, typically



Vulnerability (noun) – Susceptibility, weakness, liability, proneness, exposure



Sustainable (adjective) – Durable, Eco-friendly, Renewable, Viable, Long-lasting



Address (verb) – Tackle, Confront, Deal with, Attend to, Approach

सुलझाना, निपटाना


Subsistence (noun) – the state of having what you need in order to stay alive, but no more



Incur (verb) – to experience something bad as a result of actions you have taken

उठाना (क़ीमत)


Wreak havoc (phrase) – Cause destruction, Devastate, Ruin, Destroy, Damage

तबाही मचाना


Toll (noun) – Number of deaths, fatality count, casualty number

मृत्यु संख्या


Exacerbate (verb) – Aggravate, Worsen, Intensify, Increase, Heighten



Collapse (noun) – Failure, Breakdown, Fall, Demise, Crumble



Claim (verb) – Take the lives

लेना (ज़िंदगियाँ)


Numerous (adjective) – Many, Countless, Several, Abundant, Various



Exemplify (verb) – Illustrate, Demonstrate, Show, Represent, Manifest

उदाहरण प्रस्तुत करना


Devastation (noun) – Destruction, Ruin, Damage, Desolation, Havoc



Sweep away (phrasal verb) – Eliminate, Remove, Erase, Destroy, Wipe out

सफाया करना


Altogether (adverb) – Completely, Entirely, Totally, Wholly, Absolutely

पूरी तरह से


Avert (verb) – Prevent, Avoid, Stop, Ward off, Forestall



Precipitate (verb) – Hasten, Accelerate, Bring about, Cause, Trigger

जल्दबाजी करना


Reconsider (verb) – Re-evaluate, Review, Reassess, Rethink, Re-examine

पुनर्विचार करना


L1 tender bidding system (noun) – A procurement process where the contract is awarded to the lowest bidder.

सबसे कम बोली लगाने वाले को ठेका देने की प्रक्रिया


Cost-centric (adjective) – Focused on cost above other factors, Price-driven, Economically focused

लागत केंद्रित


Result in (phrasal verb) – Lead to, Cause, Produce, Bring about, Generate



Compromise (noun) – a situation in which the people or groups involved in an argument reduce their demands in order to reach an agreement

समझौता करना


Lead (to) (verb) – Result in, Cause, Bring on, Conduce to, Culminate in

का कारण बनना


Meet (verb) – Fulfill, Satisfy, Match, Comply with, Adhere to

पूरा करना


Rigorous (adjective) – Strict, Severe, Rigorous, Stringent, Harsh



Align (with) (verb) – Match, Coordinate, Integrate, Synchronize, Conform

संरेखित करना


Durability (noun) – Strength, Sturdiness, Robustness, Toughness, Endurance



Longevity (noun) – Lifespan, Duration, Endurance, Existence, Long life



Incorporate (verb) – Integrate, Include, Embody, Combine, Merge

शामिल करना


Integrity (noun) – Honesty, Uprightness, Wholeness, Moral uprightness, Cohesion



In conclusion (phrase) – Finally, In summary, To sum up, Ultimately, In closing

अंत में


Compelling (adjective) – Convincing, Persuasive, Forceful, Powerful, Effective



Revisit (verb) – Re-examine, Review, Reconsider, Return to, Re-evaluate

पुनः विचार करना


Approach (verb) – Tackle, handle, attempt, manage



Forward-looking (adjective) – Progressive, Innovative, Proactive, Visionary, Forward-thinking

आगे की सोच वाला


Paradigm (noun) – Model, Pattern, Example, Standard, Prototype



Acknowledge (verb) – Recognize, Admit, Accept, Concede, Affirm

स्वीकार करना


Pave the way for (phrase) – Facilitate, Prepare, Open up, Enable, Lay the groundwork for

रास्ता प्रशस्त करना


Withstand (verb) – Resist, Endure, Bear, Stand up to, Survive

सामना करना