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Cleansing NEET

Cleansing NEET: On a recast test

Next year, the test must have safeguards against malpractice and inefficiency 

What comes undone is best redone. The latest development in the prolonged National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) 2024 saga has played out in the court, and will answer the question raised initially — the unusually high number of toppers this year. The Supreme Court of India’s ruling on the right answer to a particular physics question in the NEET paper, based on the expert opinion of IIT Delhi professionals, has brought down the number of toppers from 61 to a more reasonable number — 17. The wrong answer for the disputed question was chosen reportedly by four lakh students, including 44 in the list of toppers. As a result, all these students will lose five marks each. Ruling that there could be only one correct answer, the Court directed the National Testing Agency (NTA) to revise the scores based on the correct answer. It also emerged during the hearing that the wrong answer for the question was actually present in the older (until 2021) NCERT textbooks. The Court had earlier refused to cancel the entire NEET, which over 23 lakh applicants took. While the scheduled date of counselling, July 24, is past already, and with the NTA having to re-tally the marks with the revised answer, the counselling has been delayed again, but will take place as soon as possible.

While the scenario, as it stands today, seems ostensibly resolved sufficiently to let the process move forward, the truth is that an unprecedented number of violations have occurred in a manner that vitiated, possibly for good, the faith in NEET as a fail-safe entrance route. From charges of paper leaks, giving out the wrong question papers, damaged answer keys, impersonation by students, and an analysis of marks that showed an unusually high number of toppers from certain centres in the country, NEET-UG 2024 has been a string of bad news this year. Notably, the interventions to right the course have come mostly from the judiciary, with the executive stopping short of initiating significant or decisive action required to clean its Augean stables. For starters, the extraordinary emphasis that has come to be placed on medicine as a career choice, with over 23 lakh students hoping to compete for over one lakh MBBS seats, will have to be dialled down, with a healthy promotion of other scientific streams as viable career options. The government also has no option but to unwind the entire spool, and cast it out if it must, reorienting all systems so that the next NEET can be conducted professionally, and with adequate safeguards in place to prevent malpractice or inefficiency.​  


Cleanse (verb) – Purify, sanitize, detoxify, decontaminate, sterilize

शुद्ध करना



Recast (verb) – Revise, modify, restructure, reshape, reorganize

पुनर्निर्माण करना



Safeguard (verb) – protect, shield, guard, defend

सुरक्षित रखना


Malpractice (noun) – misconduct, wrongdoing, misbehavior, impropriety



Inefficiency (noun) – Ineffectiveness, incompetence, inadequacy, unproductiveness, incapacity



Undo (verb) – Reverse, negate, cancel, annul, invalidate

रद्द करना


What comes undone is best redone (phrase) – If something fails, it is best to try again; attempt to fix what has gone wrong –

जो विफल होता है, उसे फिर से करने की कोशिश करना सबसे अच्छा है; जो गलत हुआ उसे ठीक करने का प्रयास करना


(noun) – event, turn of events, occurrence, happening, circumstance


(adjective) – extended, lengthy, protracted, long, lengthened

लंबे समय तक

(noun) – chain of events, story, rigmarole

कथा/ गाथा


Play out (phrasal verb) – Unfold, happen, transpire, occur, develop

सामने आना


(noun) – decision, pronouncement, resolution, decree



Bring down (phrasal verb) – Reduce, lower, decrease, diminish, cut



(adjective) – sensible, acceptable, satisfactory, logical, within reason


(adverb) – supposedly, seemingly, apparently, allegedly

कथित तौर पर

As a result of
(phrase) – because of something

के कारण/ के परिणामस्वरूप

(verb) – to tell or order somebody to do something

निर्देश या आदेश देना

(verb) – come out, appear, come into view, become visible

, उभरना


Hearing (noun) – Trial, session, proceeding, inquiry, examination




Counselling (noun) – Guidance, advice, consultation, therapy, coaching




Past (adjective) – already gone; belonging to a time before the present

जो बीत चुका है


Re-tally (verb) – Recalculate, recount, recompute, recheck, reassess

पुनर्गणना करना



Take place (phrasal verb) – Occur, happen, transpire, come about, unfold




Scenario (noun) – sequence of events, series of developments, situation



Stand (verb) – Remain, stay, endure, persist, hold

खड़ा होना



Ostensibly (adverb) – Apparently, seemingly, on the face of it;

प्रकट रूप से

(verb) – allow, permit, give permission to

होने देना

  (adjective) – unparalleled, novel, singular, unusual, exceptional


(noun) – breach, infringement, infraction, contravention


(adjective) – Spoiled, destroyed, damaged

दूषित किया गया


For good (phrase) – Permanently, Forever, Indefinitely, Irrevocably, For always

हमेशा के लिए


Fail-safe (noun) – Safety mechanism, backup plan, contingency, safeguard, fallback

सुरक्षात्मक तंत्र



Impersonation (noun) – Identity theft, masquerading, imitation, fraud, deception



(noun) – Sequence, series chain श्रृंखला/ क्रम

(adverb) – especially, particularly, significantly, markedly, conspicuously

विशेष रूप से

(noun) – Interference, involvement, intrusion, intercession, interposition


Course (noun) – Direction, path, route, trajectory, way




Executive (adjective) – Relating to or having the power to put plans or actions into effect



Stop short of (phrase) – Refrain from, avoid, hold back, desist, pull back

से दूर रहना


(adjective) –deciding, conclusive, determining, final, settling, key



Augean Stable (phrase) – Extremely dirty place, a very messy situation requiring a great deal of effort to clean –

अत्यधिक गंदा स्थान, बहुत गन्दा स्थिति जिसे साफ करने के लिए बहुत प्रयास की आवश्यकता होती है

(noun) – stress, accent, accentuation, weight, force ज़ोर


Compete (verb) – Contend, vie, challenge, rival, compete with
प्रतिस्पर्धा करना


Dial down (phrasal verb) – Reduce, lessen, decrease, diminish, moderate

कम करना


Stream (noun) – Field, discipline, domain, area, branch



Viable (adjective) – Feasible, workable, practical, doable, achievable.



Unwind the spool (phrase) – To undo or resolve a complicated situation, to straighten out tangled or complex issues –

उलझन या जटिल समस्याओं को सुलझाना



Cast out (phrasal verb) – Expel, eject, oust, remove, banish

निकाल देना


Reorient (verb) –  to change the focus or direction of somebody/something

नई दिशा देना


In place
(phrase) – established.
