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Middle path: On the Unified Pension Scheme

Middle path: On the Unified Pension Scheme

The modified pension scheme overcomes some shortcomings of NPS

The Centre has restored guaranteed pensions for its employees, meeting their demand halfway, and weakly trying to hold on to principles of fiscal prudence. Pension schemes around the world, whether contributory and market linked or underwritten by the exchequer, are facing a crisis, due to multiple factors, including demographic reasons. According to the Reserve Bank of India, the total Budget estimates of various States and Union Territories for pension in 2023-24 was ₹5,22,105.4 crore, which is between 6%-21% of their total revenue receipts. Pensioners argue that it is their deferred wages. It can also be argued that pensions from the exchequer are at the cost of future generations. Governments are outsourcing jobs through contracts, and resorting to innovations such as Agnipath — a short service scheme for the military services — and the ballooning of pension bills is among the reasons that drive such measures. Governments are also leaving posts unfilled. All such measures are leading to two things. First, it negatively affects state capacity, and second, it reduces avenues for government and public sector jobs for India’s expanding number of young job seekers. The New Pension Scheme (NPS), which was market-linked and managed by an autonomous entity, was introduced during the stock market boom. Two decades later, when people began retiring under the NPS — those who joined after January 1, 2004 — it turned out that they were receiving much less than what they would have got under the old scheme.

With the Congress making the restoration of the old scheme a central piece of its politics, the BJP was pushed to the corner. A committee led by former Finance Secretary and Cabinet Secretary-designate T.V. Somanathan devised a middle path that involves employee contributions and enhanced share from the Centre. The Unified Pension Scheme (UPS), approved by the Cabinet, promises a pension of 50% of the average basic pay of the last 12 months before retirement and a minimum pension of ₹10,000 for those who worked for at least 10 years. The Centre’s share towards the scheme was increased from 14% under the NPS to 18.5%, which Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said will ensure government employees dignity and financial security. The BJP and the government should note that no reform can be sustainable without broad political consensus. Social security for older people must cover the widest segment of the population. Government employees are an organised pressure group, and having managed to restore their guaranteed pension, they should wholeheartedly welcome the UPS, rather than protest against employee contribution


Unified Pension Scheme (UPS) (noun) – A pension plan combining features of contributory schemes and government-backed guarantees

एकीकृत पेंशन योजना



Overcome (verb) – Conquer, surmount, defeat, tackle, resolve

दूर करना



Shortcomings (noun) – Weakness, flaw, defect, inadequacy, limitation


(verb) – reinstate, put back, replace, bring back, reinstitute,

बहाल करना


Meet halfway (phrase) – to agree to do part of what someone wants if that person will do part of what you want:  

बीच का रास्ता निकालना


Hold up (phrasal verb) - Sustain, maintain, continue, persevere, persist

बनाए रखना



Fiscal prudence (noun) – Wise and cautious financial management

वित्तीय विवेक


Underwrite (verb) – to support something that costs money by promising to pay for it, or by promising to pay if necessary to protect others who are risking their money

 समर्थन करना



The Exchequer (noun) – the Finance ministry

वित्त मंत्रालय


Demographic (noun) – Population group, group characterized by specific demographics



Deferred wage (noun) – part of an employee's salary that is not paid out or taxed as income until a future date, usually at retirement.

(verb) – Contend, say, maintain, reason, claim

तर्क करना

Outsourcing (noun) – Subcontracting, contracting out, offshoring, externalization, delegation

बाहरी स्रोत से काम करवाना


Resort (to) (verb) – employ, use, utilize; have recourse to

  सहारा लेना


Ballooning (noun) – Expansion, growth, escalation, swelling, inflation




Drive (verb) – Propel, motivate, steer, push, lead

प्रेरित करना

(to) (verb) –  cause, give rise to, bring about, result in

वजह बनना

(noun) – Opportunity, possibility, way, path, chance, opening,


(adjective) – Independent, self-governing, self-ruling


(noun) – a period of great prosperity or rapid economic growth.


(noun) – A period of 10 years


Turn out
(to be) (phrasal verb) – transpire, emerge, happen, occur, come about; prove to be the case.

साबित होना


Restoration (noun) – Reinstatement, Reestablishment, Reconstruction, Revival, Renewal



Push the corner (phrase) – Force into a difficult situation, pressure, back against the wall

मुश्किल में डालना


Devise (verb) – Design, conceive, invent, formulate, think up

 ईजाद करना

(noun) – the quality of being serious and formal

गरिमा, मर्यादा

(adjective) – Enduring, lasting, viable, maintainable, eco-friendly


Broad based
(adjective) – Wide-ranging; general.


Consensus (noun) – majority opinion, majority view, common opinion, common view

आम सहमति


Pressure group (noun) – a group of people who are trying to influence what a government or other organization does



(to) (verb) – Be successful; achieve a goal

सफल होना

(adverb) –enthusiastically, passionately, Committedly, truly, honestly

तहे दिल से