Elusive (adjective) – Difficult to find, catch, or achieve; hard to pin down.
कठिनता से प्राप्त होने वाला
Peg (verb) – Estimate, fix, set, determine.
अनुमान लगाना
Forecast (noun) – prediction, estimate, forewarning, prognostication, guess
Momentum (noun) – impetus, steam, impulse, speed, velocity गति
Persist (verb) – Continue, endure, remain, last
बने रहना
Granular (adjective) – Detailed, specific, particular, fine-grained, precise
State (noun) – condition, situation
Warrant (verb) –Justify or necessitate (a certain course of action)
ज़रूरी बनाना
Aggregate (adjective) – Total, combined, collective, cumulative, overall
Argue (verb) – Debate, contend, discuss, dispute, assert
तर्क करना
Step out (phrasal verb) – Leave, venture out, move out, exit.
बाहर निकलना
Augment (verb) – Enhance, increase, boost, amplify, magnify
Informal enterprise (noun) – Business activities that operate outside of formal regulations and are not registered.
Informal economy (noun) – An informal economy (informal sector or grey economy) is the part of any economy that is neither taxed nor monitored by any form of government.
Proprietary (adjective) – Privately owned, exclusive, registered, ownership-based
स्वामित्व संबंधी
Marginally (adverb) – Slightly, minimally, barely, to a small extent.
थोड़े से
Edge (verb) – Gradually move, approach, shift, inch.
धीरे-धीरे बढ़ना
Stagnant (adjective) – Inactive, sluggish, static, idle, immobile
Underline (verb) – Emphasize, highlight, stress, accentuate
जोर देना
Reversal (noun) – turnaround, change, shift, alteration, transformation
Decade (noun) – A period of 10 years
Reinforce (verb) – strengthen, enhance, fortify, increase, bolster
मजबूत करना
Remunerative (adjective) – Lucrative, profitable, rewarding, beneficial, gainful
Productive (adjective) – Useful, helpful, beneficial, fruitful
उत्पादक /उपयोगी
Address (verb) – Tackle, handle, confront, deal with
समाधान करना
Capital intensive (adjective) – Requiring a large investment in capital (machinery, buildings) rather than labor.
Labour-saving (adjective) – Reducing the amount of labor required; mechanized, automated, efficiency-increasing.
At the forefront (phrase) – In the leading position, at the vanguard, in the front
अग्रणी स्थिति में
Agenda (noun) – Schedule, program, plan, itinerary, docket