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Regulation role: On the 2024 Medicine Nobel

Regulation role: On the 2024 Medicine Nobel

The discovery of microRNA changed the understanding of gene regulation

This year’s Nobel Prize in Physiology, or Medicine, awarded to Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun, is for their discovery of microRNA, small RNA regulators of gene expression in eukaryotes, and its role in gene regulation after transcription — the process of making an RNA copy (messenger RNA or mRNA) of a gene’s DNA sequence — and before cellular machinery is activated for protein production. Before the discovery of microRNAs and their role in gene regulation, it was believed that gene regulation was limited to specialised proteins called transcription factors, which bind to specific regions in DNA and determine which mRNAs are produced. In 1993, using 1 mm long mutant roundworms called C. elegans, the winners of this year’s Nobel provided proof that gene regulation is not confined to transcription factors. Instead, regulation by microRNAs occurs at a later stage in the process of gene expression, post-transcription. Despite these seminal findings, it was initially thought that this unusual mechanism of gene regulation was peculiar to C. elegans and not relevant to more complex organisms, including humans. However, the discovery of another microRNA encoded in a gene present in all organisms indicated that microRNA’s role in gene regulation extends beyond roundworms. By 2001, microRNAs were found to be abundant in invertebrates and vertebrates, with some highly conserved across species, suggesting that “microRNA-mediated post-transcriptional regulation is a general regulatory function”. As per current knowledge, the human genome codes for over 1,000 microRNAs.

Cancer, diabetes and autoimmune diseases are associated with dysregulated microRNA expression. In the case of cancer, dysregulation may include amplification or deletion of microRNA genes, abnormal transcriptional control of microRNAs, and defects in the microRNA biogenesis machinery. Studies have shown that dysregulated microRNAs affect the biological capabilities that cancer cells acquire during tumour development, including sustaining proliferative signalling, resisting cell death, and activating processes that allow cancer cells to spread in the body. Preliminary studies have also indicated that certain microRNAs can serve as potential biomarkers for human cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and therapeutic targets. It is now known that beyond perturbing immune responses, disruption and dysfunction of microRNAs can initiate the production of autoantibodies and contribute to the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. Several microRNA-associated diagnostic biomarkers have already been developed and used clinically, though they have yet to be commercialised. Likewise, candidate drugs targeting microRNAs are currently being tested in clinical trials.


Gene (noun) – A unit of heredity that is transferred from a parent to offspring and is held to determine some characteristic of the offspring.



Eukaryote (noun) – An organism whose cells contain a nucleus and other organelles enclosed within membranes.



Transcription (noun) – The process of copying a segment of DNA into RNA.


Cellular Machinery (noun) – The complex system of molecules and structures within a cell that perform the necessary functions for cellular life

. कोशिकीय तंत्र


Transcription factors (noun) – Proteins that control the rate of transcription of genetic information from DNA to RNA by binding to specific DNA sequences.


(verb) – Connect, link, tie, attach, fasten



Mutant (adjective) – A form resulting from a change in the structure of a gene.




Roundworm (noun) – A type of worm that is round in cross-section, often used as a model organism in genetic research.


Confined (adjective) – Restricted, limited, constrained, curbed, restrained, 



Post-transcription (noun) – Referring to the period or processes that occur after the transcription of DNA to RNA.


Seminal (adjective) – Influential, groundbreaking, formative, pivotal, pioneering



(noun) – Conclusion, decision, determination, result



Mechanism (noun) – A system of parts working together in a machine or biological context.




Peculiar (adjective) – Distinctive or unique in a particular way; unusual.




Encode (verb) – To convert information into a particular form or code.

एन्कोड करना



Abundant (adjective) – Plentiful, ample, bountiful, rich, copious



Invertebrate (noun) – An animal lacking a backbone, such as insects, mollusks, or worms.




Vertebrate (noun) – An animal that has a backbone, such as mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish

. कशेरुकी


Conserve (verb) – To protect or preserve something, especially from loss or harm

संरक्षित करना



Genome (noun) – The complete set of genes or genetic material present in a cell or organism.



(with) (verb) – Connected, related, linked, correlated

जुड़ा हुआ


Code (verb) – To specify the genetic sequence that determines a trait or protein structure.

सांकेतिक शब्दों में बदलना



Dysregulated (adjective) – Malfunctioning or improperly regulated, usually in reference to biological processes.




Dysregulation (noun) – The abnormality or malfunction in the regulation of a process.




Amplification (noun) – The process of increasing or enlarging the quantity or size of something

. विस्तार



Deletion (noun) – The removal or absence of a segment of DNA or a gene.

विलोपन/ हटाना


(adjective) – Unusual, irregular, atypical, uncommon, strange



Transcriptional (adjective) – Relating to or affecting the process of transcription in gene expression.

प्रतिलेखन से संबंधित


Biogenesis (noun) – The process by which living organisms are produced from other living organisms.




Tumour (noun) – An abnormal mass of tissue that may be benign or malignant.



 (verb) – continue, carry on, keep, maintain, prolong, preserve

बनाए रखना


Proliferative (adjective) – Relating to or characterized by rapid growth or multiplication of cells.

वृद्धि संबंधी


Resist (verb) – To withstand or oppose a force or condition.

विरोध करना



Preliminary (adjective) – Initial, preparatory, introductory, opening, first


potential (adjective) – possible, likely, prospective, latent, probable, budding संभावित


Biomarker (noun) – A measurable indicator of a biological state or condition.




Diagnosis (noun) – Identification, determination, recognition, discovery, detection


Prognosis (noun) – Forecast, prediction, projection, outlook, expectation



Therapeutic (adjective) – Relating to the healing of disease or the treatment of disorders.




Perturb (verb) – To disturb or unsettle a process or system.

बाधा डालना



Autoantibody (noun) – An antibody produced by the immune system that mistakenly targets the body’s own tissues.



Pathogenesis (noun) – The process by which a disease or disorder develops.




Autoimmune (adjective) – Relating to a condition in which the body’s immune system attacks its own tissues.




Rheumatoid arthritis (noun) – A chronic autoimmune disorder that primarily affects joints, causing pain and inflammation.



Sclerosis (noun) – A condition characterized by hardening of tissue, often due to chronic inflammation or degeneration.



Commercialise (verb) – To manage or exploit something in a way designed to make a profit

. व्यावसायिक बनाना


(adverb) – Similarly, equally, also, too

इसी तरह


Candidate drug (noun) – A drug that is in development and is being tested for potential therapeutic use.

संभावित दवा



Immune (adjective) – Protected or resistant to a disease or condition.
