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Strong setback

Strong setback: On the Maoist attacks on security forces in Chhattisgarh

The IED blasts in Bijapur are the act of a flailing insurgency 

When an insurgent organisation is faced with a precipice, it has two options — it can either go down with a fight and pull some of its adversaries across the cliff or it can see the futility of its aims and give up the fight for good. Ideologically motivated insurgent organisations rarely choose the second option, especially those that are engaged in decades of conflict. Even those organisations such as the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) that gave up violent insurgency and entered into an armistice find it difficult to convince factions or cadres who are committed to the violence as a means of not just rebellion but also of their existence. Since the merger of various Naxalite currents into the party in the early 2000s, the Communist Party of India (Maoist) has rarely ventured to speak of peace and ending the violent conflict except for tactical reasons. Its ideology not just talks of the utilisation of violence for its aims but also makes it central to its existence. The dastardly killing of eight security personnel and a civilian driver in an improvised explosive device blast in Bijapur district of Chhattisgarh on Monday (January 6, 2025) might seem like a sign that the potency of the CPI(Maoist) in inflicting such acts remains, and, therefore, the Maoists are a dangerous insurgent force. While there is a grain of truth to that, especially in the Abujmarh jungles and adjoining areas of the Bastar region in the State, it is also accurate to suggest that these are acts of a flailing outfit struggling to retain what was the only bastion for the left extremist organisation.

The deaths of the security personnel, who belonged to the District Reserve Guard and Bastar Fighters of the Chhattisgarh Police, are certainly a setback to the anti-Maoist operations that have picked up pace and resulted in significant deaths of Maoist cadres and other tribal people caught in the conflict. In 2024, an estimated 296 insurgents died in the operations while security forces lost 24 people and there were 80 civilian deaths. To suffer eight casualties early in 2025 is a major blow and one of the severest losses for the security forces in recent years. The heavy use of explosives and the camouflaged nature of the planted IEDs suggest that the Maoists had planned this attack for a long time; the last such IED blast was in April 2023 in Dantewada. The knee-jerk reaction to this incident will be the security forces intensifying their operations to identify the culprits, potentially targeting innocent civilians. While stepping up the security campaign is inevitable considering the fact that the Maoists have refused to abjure violence, the security personnel and the government should not get carried away in retaliation and target civilians as this would play right into the hands of Maoist propaganda about state repression. As tempting as it is to wipe out the Maoist movement through military means, as the Union Home Minister has promised, it is still prudent to use civil society actors to work out a ceasefire agreement and utilise it to end the conflict

(noun) – Reversal, blow, hitch, obstacle



Flailing (adjective) – Struggling, faltering, wavering, failing, stumbling




Insurgency (noun) – Rebellion, revolt, uprising, mutiny, resistance



Insurgent (adjective) – Rebellious, mutinous, revolutionary, radical, revolting



Precipice (noun) – a dangerous situation that could lead to harm or failure



Go down with (phrasal verb) – Perish with, fall alongside, collapse together

साथ में डूबना



Pull someone across the cliff (phrase) – Drag someone to their downfall, bring others down

साथ में ले डूबना



Adversary (noun) – Opponent, enemy, foe, rival, antagonist



Futility (noun) – Uselessness, pointlessness, ineffectiveness, vanity, fruitlessness 


Give up
(phrasal verb) – abandon, surrender, relinquish, renounce

छोड़ देना


For good (phrase) – Permanently, forever, irreversibly, for all time

हमेशा के लिए

Ideologically (adverb) – In a way that relates to ideas or an ideology, especially of a political or economic nature.

वैचारिक रूप से

(noun) – A period of 10 years


(adjective) – Aggressive, brutal, fierce, forceful, ferocious



Armistice (noun) – Truce, ceasefire, peace agreement, suspension of hostilities



Faction (noun) – Group, clique, sect, wing, bloc



Cadre (noun) – Core group, trained members, key personnel, body of activists

कार्यकर्ता समूह

(noun) – way, method, process, measure


(noun) – uprising, revolt, insurrection


(noun) – combination, amalgamation, union, merging


(noun) – a movement of water or air

धारा, प्रवाह

(verb) – to do something; undertake, embark, attempt, risk

साहस करना


Tactical (adjective) – Strategic, calculated, planned, measured



Utilisation (noun) – Use, employment, application, exploitation, consumption




Dastardly (adverb) – Cowardly, wicked, malicious, villainous, despicable

कायरता से/ डरपोक


(noun) – Strength, power, force, effectiveness,


(verb) – Impose, administer, deliver, force, mete out
थोपना, सज़ा देना


Grain of truth (phrase) – Slight reality, small element of accuracy, kernel of fact

थोड़ी सचाई



Adjoin (verb) – Abut, border, neighbor, attach, butt 

सटना; जुड़ा होना

Outfit (noun) – organization, set-up, enterprise



Bastion (noun) – Stronghold, fortress, citadel, defense, bulwark



(noun) – Radical, fanatic, zealot, ultra, hardliner



Pick up (phrasal verb) – Increase, intensify, improve, accelerate

तेज होना/आगे बढ़ना


in (phrasal verb) – Lead to, cause, bring about, produce, create

परिणामस्वरूप होना

Causality (noun) – a serious or fatal accident


(noun) – shock, unexpected outcome, setback, upset


(adjective) – Disguised, secret, masked, veiled, hidden

छिपा हुआ


Planted (adjective) – Placed secretly, embedded, hidden, positioned

गुप्त रूप से लगाया हुआ

Knee-jerk response (noun) – Immediate and automatic reaction.
तात्कालिक प्रतिक्रिया

(adjective) – Increasing, escalating



Culprit (noun) – The person or thing at fault for a problem or crime

दोषी, मुजरिम


Step up (phrasal verb) – Increase, boost, escalate, enhance

तेज करना



Inevitable (adjective) – Unavoidable, certain, bound to happen


Considering (preposition) – bearing in mind, taking into consideration, taking into account

ध्यान में रखते हुए


Abjure (verb) – Renounce, relinquish, reject, forswear




Get carried away (phrase) – Get overexcited, lose self-control, go too far

बह जाना/बहक जाना

(noun) – Reprisal, revenge, vengeance, retribution

प्रतिशोध /बदला


Play right into the hands (phrase) – Benefit the opponent’s strategy, inadvertently help the adversary

प्रतिद्वंद्वी के हाथ मजबूत करना


Propaganda (noun) – Disinformation, promotion, publicity, spin, advertising


Repression (noun) – suppression, subjugation, domination, authoritarianism, tyranny



Tempt (verb) – Entice, lure, provoke, invite, attract




Wipe out (phrasal verb) – Eradicate, eliminate, destroy, annihilate, exterminate
नष्ट करना

(adjective) – careful, judicious, wise, cautious, sensible

विवेकी, समझदारी


Work out (phrasal verb) – Resolve, figure out, determine, devise, plan

हल करना


Ceasefire (noun) – Truce, armistice, suspension of hostilities, peace agreement,
