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Weekly Vocabulary Compilation: 2 FEB 2025 (FREE)

Vocabulary development is a vital part of language learning but it is too often ignored. The link between vocabulary knowledge and comprehension is undeniable. There is not even an iota of doubt that reading increases a person’s vocabulary significantly. A limited vocabulary often equals to a limited education and a limited career and if you aspire and have a passion for developing your career, you would have to develop your vocabulary so that you could become capable of communicating more clearly with people around you and in turn they will also understand your thoughts more easily, and you will gain an image and the perception of being an intelligent individual. There are many ways to improve your vocabulary but reading newspapers is considered as one of the best options.
career, you would have to develop your vocabulary so that you could become capable of communicating more clearly with people around you and in turn they will also understand your thoughts more easily, and you will gain an image and the perception of being an intelligent individual. There are many ways to improve your vocabulary but reading newspapers is considered as one of the best options.

(Note: Click on the right-hand side icon to download the PDF.)