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With inflation under check

With inflation under check, the government must now focus on fiscal consolidation to further macroeconomic stability

Is the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) inclined towards lesser quantum of interest rate hikes or even taking a pause, in line with the stance of one of its own monetary policy committee members? The central bank’s just-released “ State of the Economy” report would seem to suggest that. While inflation was the dominant concern of 2022, this could be displaced in 2023 by recession — a debate over whether it may turn out “short and shallow ” or “long and deep”. The report is also encouraged by “ macroeconomic stability getting further entrenched ” and the “first milestone of monetary policy” — consumer price inflation in the last two months falling within the RBI’s six per cent upper tolerance limit — being passed. It is even hopeful of fiscal consolidation “ underway at central and sub-national levels” and the external current account deficiton course to narrow through the rest of 2022 and 2023”.

The above prognosis, probably somewhat over- optimistic, is significant, coming less than two weeks before the Union Budget for 2023-24. Either way, it is sensible for the RBI to slow down the pace of monetary tightening, if not pause. Since early-May, the bank’s benchmark repo lending rate has gone up by 225 basis points, from 4 per cent to 6.25 per cent. That’s a fairly steep rise within a short period. It is well established that monetary policy acts with a lag. In this case, the transmission of the front-loaded interest rate increases to the real economy may take at least a few quarters. The RBI can, therefore, afford to adopt a wait-and-watch approach and allow the impact of its past monetary policy actions to be fully felt. This does not mean taking its foot off the pedal; bringing down inflation to the target (“second milestone”) of four per cent is no less important. But the balance of risks is today clearly tilted towards growth rather than inflation, both globally and domestically.

If the RBI is seen to have done enough of tightening for now, it is appropriate that the onus for macroeconomic stabilisation also shift more to North Block than Mint Street. The coming budget should prioritise fiscal consolidation. It implies no new populist schemes in the name of putting money in people’s hands or sharp tax cuts to supposedly incentivise investors. The world is, no doubt, viewing India favourably as an investment destination, both for its large domestic market and the need to de-risk from China in the current geopolitical environment. The Narendra Modi government’s focus on improving the country’s physical as well as digital infrastructure, plus schemes such as production-linked incentive for attracting investments in specific manufacturing sectors, has probably added to that perception. Demonstrating macroeconomic stability and policy credibility can be the icing on the cake to bring the world to India.

credibility (noun) –trustworthiness, reliability, Integrity, acceptabilityविश्वसनीयता

(noun) – economic decline, downturn, depression, slump मंदी

(noun) – speed, rate, swiftness, quickness गति

(noun) – responsibility, liability, obligation, duty, charge कर्तव्य/ जिम्मेदारी

(noun) – Anxiety, worry, apprehension fear चिंता

Basis point
(noun) – 100 basis point = 1%

(noun) – turning point, historic event, major achievement  मील का पत्थर

course (phrase) – Following the planned or intended course. नियम के मुताबिक़

(adjective) – well known, recognized, acclaimed, esteemed स्थापित, प्रमाणित

(adjective) – Rather, Slightly, Fairly, To some extent, To a certain degree, To a certain extent

कुछ हद तक

(adjective) – ingrained, established, deep-rooted, rooted, fixed

जमा हुआ

(verb) – boost, encourage, stimulate, promote

प्रोत्साहित करना

Prognosis (noun) – prediction, forecast, prophecy, prognostication, projection


Take one’s foot off the pedal
(phrase) – to make less effort and start to relax

आराम करना

(adjective) – predominant, chief, principal, leading, foremost


In line with
(phrase) – In accordance with

के अनुसार

Consumer price index
(CPI) (noun) – it measures changes over time in the general level of prices of goods and services that a reference population acquires, uses or pays for consumption.

(verb) – Advance, promote, foster, broaden, expand, spread, extend

आगे बढ़ाना

Monetary policy tightening
(noun) – Tightening of monetary policy is implemented when the inflation is rising rapidly. When monetary policy is tightened, the interest rates are increased by the central bank and money supply is reduced

(adjective) – hopeful, positive, upbeat, bright, confident


Monetary policy committee (MPC)
(noun) – The Monetary Policy Committee is responsible for fixing the benchmark interest rate in India. The meetings of the Monetary Policy Committee are held at least 4 times a year and it publishes its decisions after each such meeting

(noun) – A general and progressive increase in prices

मुद्रा स्फ़ीति

(noun) – attitude, stand, point of view, viewpoint, opinion, way of thinking


(adjective) – trying to be popular with ordinary people and to represent their ideas and opinions


Turn out (to be)
(phrasal verb) – Emerge, transpire, come about, happen, become, come to pass

उभरना, निकलना

(adjective) – ongoing, in progress, happening

चल रहा है

(adjective) – Of or relating to the transmission of something.


Tolerance limit
(noun) – The upper tolerance limit of inflation level for India is 6 per cent

Add to
(phrasal verb) – increase, magnify, amplify, augment, intensify


Macroeconomic stability
(noun) – Macroeconomic stability exists when key economic relationships are in balance—for example, between domestic demand and output, the balance of payments, fiscal revenues and expenditure, and savings and investment.

Benchmark repo rate
(noun) – It is the interest rate at which the central bank of a country lends money to commercial banks

(noun) – a temporary stop


(adverb) – Allegedly, apparently, purportedly, so it is said

कथित रूप से/ माना जाता है कि

Block (noun) – Office of Ministry of Finance and the Home ministry

(noun) – a delay in the period of time in which events happen:


check (phrase) – Under control

consolidation (noun) – set of policies to reduce government deficits and debt accumulation.

(noun) – a share or portion.


(noun) – Condition, situation

स्थिति, हालत

(adjective) – having been forced out of its usual or original position:


(noun) – not having or showing serious or deep thought

अगंभीर, उथला, ओछा (जो गंभीर या विचारशील न हो)

account deficit (noun) – the shortfall between the money received by selling products to other countries and the money spent to buy goods and services from other nations

(noun) – sending something out or passing something on from one person, place or thing to another

प्रसारण, संचारण

-loaded interest (noun) – the interest is front-loaded — meaning you pay more interest at the beginning of the loan and less at the end.

economy (noun) – the part of a country's economy that produces goods and services, rather than the part that consists of financial services such as banks, stock markets, etc

(verb) – incline or bend from a vertical position


(noun) – the process of becoming or being made unlikely to change, fail, or decline.


-risk (verb) – to eliminate risk (from)

(verb) – exhibit, display, show, illustrate


Icing on the cake
(phrase) – an unexpected additional good thing

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