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A Fresh opportunity - The Hindu
A fresh opportunity: On the rollback of the Personal Data Protection BillThe Personal Data Protection Bill’s withdrawal is a chance to address lacunae, but a data protection law brooks no delayThe stated reason for the Government’s withdrawal of the Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019, was that it will come up with a “comprehensive legal framework” on data privacy and Internet regulation. The Government has averred that a new draft will be in-sync with the principles of privacy, in-line-with Supreme Court guidelines based on the landmark judgment on privacy, i.e., Justice K.S. Puttaswamy vs Union of India, and would consider the Joint Committee of Parliament’s recommendations on the framework to regulate the digital ecosystem. The 2019 Bill had been rightly criticised by stakeholders, including Justice B.N. Srikrishna he chaired a committee of experts that had authored a draft bill in 2018 for overemphasising the national security angle, among other reasons. The 2019 Bill diverged from the Srikrishna Committee Draft in the selection of the chairperson and members of the Data Protection Authority (DPA) that shall protect the interests of data principals, and in the leeway given to the Union government to exempt its agencies from the application of the Act. The 2018 draft Bill allowed for judicial oversight in the selection process for the DPA, while the 2019 Bill limited the composition to the-executive. The 2018 Bill allowed for exemptions to be granted to state institutions from acquiring informed-consent from data principals or to process data in the case of matters relating only to the “security of the state”; it also called-for a law to provide for “parliamentary oversight and judicial approval of non-consensual access to personal data”. In-contrast, the 2019 Bill added “public order” as a reason to exempt a government agency from the Act, besides only providing for these reasons to be recorded in writing.By choosing to withdraw the Bill, it is unclear whether the Government would address the demand for a realignment of the legislation with the 2018 draft Bill that came-about after extensive consultations with civil society. Or whether this would be more in line with the JPC report, which has also been criticised by civil society for retaining provisions that allow the Government access to private data of citizens without sufficient safeguards. Dissent notes to the JPC report, by Congress MP Jairam Ramesh for example, went-on to criticise the leeway granted to the Government on exemptions and how the ground of “public order” and not “security of the state” was liable for misuse. It is not clear if the Bill’s withdrawal is linked to opposition to mandatory “data-localisation” from multinational Internet companies. Meanwhile, the lack of a proper data protection law in the country is an anomaly when compared with major countries. If the Government is indeed committed to a comprehensive legal framework on data privacy and protection, it must revert to the baseline provided in the Justice Srikrishna Committee recommendations and enact a law within a reasonable timeline.(Source: The Hindu, it is meant for educational purposes only)

Ecosystem (noun) – a complex network or interconnected system. पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र

Exemption (noun) –exception, dispensation, indemnity, exclusion, freedom, release, relief छूट

Rollback (noun) – A reversion to a previous state or situation. वापस लेना

Withdrawal (noun) –removal, taking away वापसी

Address (verb) – tackle, see to, deal with, confront, grapple withसुलझाना, निपटाना

Lacunae (noun) –absence, lack, deficiency, blank खामियों

Brook (verb) –tolerate, allow, stand, bear, abide बर्दाश्त करना

Stated (adjective) – claimed, supposed, professed


Comprehensive (adjective) –inclusive, all-inclusive, complete विस्तृत

(noun) –system, organization, construction ढांचा, तंत्र

Aver (verb) – declare, maintain, claim, assert, state दृढ़ता से कहना

In sync (with) (phrase) – Working well together; in agreement. के साथ समन्वयित

In line with (phrase) – In alignment or accordance with. के अनुसार

Landmark (adjective) – Milestone, breakthrough, radical, pioneering, historic, significant ऐतिहासिक

Stakeholder (noun) – A person with an interest or concern in something


Overemphasize (verb) – overstress, exaggerate, attach too much importance to, अधिक महत्व देना

Angle (verb) – perspective, way of looking at something, point of view, दृष्टिकोण

Leeway (noun) – freedom, scope, room to manoeuvre, latitude, elbow room, छूट, स्वतंत्रता

Diverge (verb) – differ, be different, be unlike, be dissimilar अलग होना

Exempt (verb) – excuse, free, release, exclude, give immunity, grant immunity, छूट देना

Application (noun) – implementation, use, exercise, employment, administration प्रयोग

Oversight (noun) – supervision, surveillance, superintendence, inspection निगरानी

Composition (noun) – formation, structure, organization, make-up

संयोजन, गठन

The executive (noun) – The person or branch of a government responsible for putting policies or laws into effect. कार्यपालिका

State (noun) – country, nation, land, sovereign state, nation state; government

Informed consent (noun) – permission granted in full knowledge of the possible consequences सूचित सहमति

(noun) – agreement, assent, concurrence, accord सहमति

Call for (phrasal verb) – require, need, necessitate, make necessary, demand मांग करना

Non-consensual (adjective) – Not involving or relating to consent; lacking mutual consent. गैर-सहमति से

In contrast (phrase) – used when second thing very different from first. इसके विपरीत

Public order (noun) – Public Order means the state of normality and security that is needed in a society and that should be pursued by the state in order to exercise constitutional rights and to thus benefit a harmonious development of society सार्वजनिक व्यवस्था

Realignment (noun) – The action of changing or restoring something to a different or former position or state. पुनर्निर्माण करना

Come about (phrasal verb) – arise, arrive, appear, surface, happen, occur, take place होना, आ पड़ना

Provision (noun) – term, clause, requirement, specification, stipulation प्रावधान

(noun) – protection, defence, guard, shelter, screen रक्षा, बचाव

Dissent (noun) – difference of opinion, argument, dispute, demur मतभेद, असहमति

Note (noun) – tone, intonation, inflection, sound, hint, indication, sign, सुर

Go on (phrasal verb) – continue, carry on, run on, proceed आगे बढ़ना

Ground (noun) – reason, cause, basis, base, foundation, justification, आधार

Data localization (noun) – the practice of keeping data within the region it originated from. For example, if an organization collects data in the UK, they store it in the UK rather than transferring it to another country for processing

Meanwhile (adverb) – for now, for the moment, for the present, for the time being

इस दौरान

Anomaly (noun) – oddity, peculiarity, abnormality, irregularity, inconsistency विसंगति

Indeed (adverb) – yes, certainly, assuredly, emphatically, absolutely,

वास्तव में

Committed (to) (adjective) – wholeheartedly dedicated. प्रतिबद्ध

Revert (to) (verb) – Return to (a previous state, practice, topic, etc.) लौट आना, पलटना

Baseline (noun) – A minimum or starting point used for comparisons.

Enact (verb) – make law, pass, approve, ratify, validate, sanction, क़ानून बनाना