Benchmark interest rate (noun) – It include repo rate, MSF rate, CRR rate, Bank rate etc.
Persistently (adverb) – In a persistent manner; continuously. लगातार
Projection (noun) – estimate, forecast, prediction, calculation, prognosis,
Recession (noun) – economic decline, downturn, depression, slump मंदी
Uncertainty (noun) – changeability, changeableness, variability, inconstancy अनिश्चितता
Likely (adjective) – probable, possible, expected
Sustain (verb) – continue, carry on, keep, maintain, prolong, preserve
बनाए रखना
Forecast (noun) – prediction, prophecy, forewarning, prognostication
Register (verb) – record, put on record, enter, file
दर्ज करना
Prediction (noun) – forecast, prophecy, divination, prognosis,
Sequential (adjective) – consecutive, serial, successive, sequent, subsequent
Spell (noun) – period, time, stretch दौर, चरण
Disconcerting (adjective) – disturbing, upsetting, confusing, unsettling, discomfiting
Core inflation (noun) – the change in prices of goods and services, except for those from the food and energy sectors.
Contain (verb) – Limit, restrict, inhibit, suppress, repress
Outlook (noun) – perspective, prospect, attitude, view, viewpoint
Policymaker (noun) – a member of a government department, or other organization who is responsible for making new rules, laws, etc.
नीति निर्माता
Marginal (adjective) – slight, small, minimal, negligible, insignificant
Worldwide (adjective) – Universal, international, wide-reaching
Momentum (noun) – impetus, energy, impulse, speed, velocity
Drive (verb) – Motivate, propel, push, spur, impel प्रेरित करना
Stability (noun) – permanence, constancy, balance, solidity, firmness
Macroeconomic (adjective) – relating to the branch of economics concerned with large-scale or general economic factors, such as interest rates and national productivity
Persistence (noun) – Perseverance, tenacity, constancy, continuance, continuity, immortality
अटलता /दृढ़ता
Accelerate (verb) – increase in rate, amount; speed up
Straight (adjective) – successive, in succession, consecutive, in a row,
Economies (noun) – Countries in terms of GDP.
Cite (verb) – refer to, make reference to, mention, allude to
हवाला देना
In the face of (phrase) – despite, in spite of, notwithstanding
के बावजूद
Basis point (noun) – 100 basis = 1%
Retail inflation (noun) – The CPI monitors retail prices at a certain level for a particular commodity; price movement of goods and services at rural, urban and all-India levels. The change in the price index over a period of time is referred to as CPI-based inflation, or retail inflation
Headline (adjective) – a headline amount, number, or rate is the most important one or the one that people notice most
Reassuring (adjective) – restoring or boosting confidence; certainty, encouraging
Deceleration (noun) –Reduction in speed or rate
Quicken (verb) – Accelerate, pick up speed, speed up, increase
Credit cost (noun) – it includes Interest on loans.
Log (verb) – record, register, enter
दर्ज करना
Elevated (adjective) – Increased, raised, lifted
बढ़ा हुआ
Development (noun) – event, turn of events, occurrence, happening, circumstance
Lead (to) (verb) – cause, give rise to, result in, bring about
वजह बनना
Hardly (adverb) –scarcely, barely, only just, not much
शायद ही/मुश्किल से
Spectre (noun) – something unpleasant that people are afraid might happen in the future
कोई आगामी संकट
Stagflation (noun) – persistent high inflation combined with high unemployment and stagnant demand in a country's economy
एक आर्थिक स्थिति होती है जहां एक देश की अर्थव्यवस्था में मंदी यानी वृद्धि नहीं होती है, लेकिन इसके साथ-साथ महंगाई भी बढ़ती है। इससे लोगों को कम मूल्य और बढ़ती महंगाई के साथ साथ बढ़ती बेरोजगारी की समस्या से भी निपटना पड़ता है।
Dampen (verb) – Reduce, Diminish
कम करना
Head (for) (verb) – To proceed or move toward someone or something.
की ओर अग्रसर होना
Debilitating (adjective) –weakening, enfeebling; tending to weaken something( to the severe negative impact)
दुर्बल करने वाला
Reading (noun) – measurement, Interpretation, assessment, evaluation, analysis
व्याख्या/ विश्लेषण
Bely (verb) – contradicts, disproves, refutes, undermines
Soften (verb) – moderate, allay, mollify, alleviate, ease, diminish, decrease,
नरमी आना
Drag down (phrasal verb) – bring someone or something to a lower level or standard
नीचे धकेलना
Come true (phrase) – something becomes a reality or actually happens, especially if it was previously predicted
सच होना
Strip out (phrasal verb) – Remove, exclude,
हटाना/ अलग करना
Stuck (adjective) – unable to move; remain in a static condition
स्थिर अवस्था में रहना
Tamp down (phrasal verb) – to reduce the amount, level of something: decrease, control
दबाना, रोकना
So as to do something (phrase) – in order to do something.
Monetary Policy Committee (noun) – it is responsible for fixing the benchmark interest rate in India. The meetings of the Monetary Policy Committee are held at least four times a year and it publishes its decisions after each such meeting.
Tightening monetary policy (noun) – Tightening of monetary policy is implemented when the inflation is rising rapidly. When monetary policy is tightened, the interest rates are increased by the Central bank
Queer the pitch (phrase) – To ruin, spoil, or undermine one's efforts, plans, or ideas.
बिगाड़ देना
Composite (adjective) – compound, combination, complex, mixture, combined
Account for (phrasal verb) – constitute, form, total compose, be responsible for
के लिये उत्तरदयी होना
Hardening (noun) – (of relating to price) Increase
Staple (noun) – Necessary or important, especially regarding food or commodities
मुख्य खाद्य आहार
Surge (verb) – to increase suddenly
Tad (noun) – a very small amount; bit, little
EI Nino (noun) – El Niño is a climate phenomenon characterized by the periodic warming of the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean, which can significantly influence weather patterns, ocean conditions, and marine life. It can lead to alterations in rainfall patterns, causing droughts in some areas and floods in others, often impacting agriculture and economies around the world.
Heighten (verb) – intensify, increase, magnify, amplify, raise
Engender (verb) – cause, give rise to, create, prompt, produce
उत्पन्न करना/ पैदा करना
Enduring (adjective) – lasting over a period of time; durable.
Supply Side Measure (noun) – policies or actions aimed at improving the supply of goods and services in an economy, typically by increasing production or efficiency
GST Rationalisation (noun) – the simplification and streamlining of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) system, including reducing the number of tax rates, eliminating exemptions and reducing compliance costs for businesses
Expedite (verb) – accelerate, hasten, speed up, facilitate, quicken
“त्वरित करना" या "शीघ्र करना"।
Hover (verb) – Remain at or near a particular level.
मंडराना /रहना