For a while (phrase) – for a short time
थोड़े समय के लिए
Tale (noun) – Story, account, fiction, saga, parable
Fortunately (adverb) – Luckily, auspiciously, fortuitously, happily
Blow (verb) – to move and make currents of air, or to be moved or make something move on a current of air:
-Cave (noun) – a large hole in the side of a hill, cliff, or mountain, or one that is underground
Robber (noun) – someone who steals
डाकू, लुटेरा
Land (verb) – Arrive, disembark, alight, come down, set down
Hunt (verb) – to chase and try to catch and kill an animal
शिकार करना
Ride (verb) – to sit on an animal, especially a horse, and make it move along
घोड़ा से जाना
Lost one’s way (phrase) – To become lost; to become unable to find the correct course forward.
खो जाना
Slip away (phrasal verb) – depart without saying goodbye; leave quietly or surreptitiously.
खिसक जाना, बच निकलना
Faint (adjective) – Quiet, slight, diminished, soft, low, barely audible
Clearing (noun) – an open space in a forest, especially one cleared for cultivation.
Shade (noun) – Shadow, dark, darkness
Pot (noun) – Vessel, container, jar
Alike (adjective) – similar, identical, like, the same
The company one keeps (phrase) – The people with whom one associates or spends time
Imitate (verb) – copy, emulate, duplicate, replicate, try to be like
नकल करना