Abrupt (adjective) – sudden, immediate, instantaneous, hurried अचानक, एकाएक
Revive (verb) – revitalize, renew, restore, refresh, reawaken
पुनर्जीवित करना
Seek (verb) – try, attempt, endeavour, strive
प्रयास करना
Ideology (noun) – philosophy, creed, credo, belief, doctrine
Mark (verb) – signify, indicate, denote, represent, symbolize
Relevance (noun) – significance, importance, application, bearing, pertinence
Persist (verb) – continue, remain, persevere, endure, last
दृढ़ रहना
Contrast (noun) – The opposition or dissimilarity of things that are compared
Fortune (noun) – luck, chance, fate, destiny
Turmoil (noun) – Chaos, Disorder, confusion, uproar, mayhem, tumult, commotion
Extent (noun) – Degree, amount, range, scope
Proverbial (adjective) – as used in a proverb or other phrase
Appeal (noun) – Charm, attractiveness, attraction, influence
Disquiet (noun) – Unrest, Uneasiness, Concern, Worry, Anxiety, Alarm
अशांति/ बेचैनी की स्थिति
Beleaguered (adjective) – in a very difficult situation; Stressed, longsuffering
Solidarity (noun) – unity, unanimity, harmony, cooperation.
Province (noun) – territory, region, state, department, zone
प्रांत/ प्रदेश
Evident (adjective) – obvious, apparent, noticeable, conspicuous, perceptible
Outreach (noun) – The act or process of reaching out.
Build on (phrasal verb) – Develop; use something as a basis for further development
पर आधारित
Steady (adjective) – constant, unchanging, changeless, unvarying, invariable,
स्थिर, लगातार
Strike a chord (phrase) – Create an emotional response
के साथ जुड़ाव होना
Exemplify (verb) – Demonstrate, represent, illustrate, show, embody
उदाहरण देना
Unfurling (noun) – If a flag, sail, or banner unfurls, it becomes open from a rolled position, and if you unfurl a flag, etc., you make it do this
The Tricolour (noun) – Indian Flag
Befitting (adjective) – suitable, appropriate.
उपयुक्त, उचित
Arduous (adjective) – Difficult, hard, laborious, demanding, strenuous, onerous
Emphasis (verb) – stress, highlight, underline, accentuate, underscore
ज़ोर देना
Slogan (noun) – a short phrase
Unity in diversity (noun) – Unity in diversity is used as an expression of harmony and unity between dissimilar individuals or groups
अनेकता में एकता
Resuscitate (verb) – Revive, resurrect, save, revitalize, renew, breathe new life into
पुनर्जीवित करना
Flight (noun) – a group of people move from one place to another
Imagery (noun) – A set of mental pictures or images.
Scion (noun) – A descendant or heir, especially of a wealthy or prominent family:
वंशज, वारिस
Citizenry (noun) – The citizens of a place regarded collectively.
Infuse (verb) – instil, breathe, inject, impart, inculcate, introduce, implant, add
Rudimentary (adjective) – Basic, elementary, simple, undeveloped, fundamental, primary
Medley (noun) – a mixture of various types or elements
Articulate (verb) – Express, convey, communicate, speak out, put into words
साफ़ साफ़ बोलना
Distinctive (adjective) – clearly different from others and therefore easy to recognize
सबसे स्पष्टतया अलग और सरलता से पहचान में आने वाला, भेदकारी
To a large extent (phrase) – in a substantial way; largely.
Optics (noun) – the public's opinion and understanding of a situation after seeing it as the media shows it, and the possible political effects of this.
Conflict-ridden (adjective) – dominated or plagued by conflicts
संघर्ष से ग्रस्त
Inexplicably (adverb) – in a way that cannot be explained or understood
अकथनीय रूप से
Abruptly (adverb) – Suddenly, unexpectedly, rapidly, hastily, immediately, quickly, hurriedly
अचानक, एकाएक से
Strip (verb) – Remove, exclude, deprive, divest, take away
Bifurcate (verb) – divided into two branches
दो भागों में बँटना
Succeeding (adjective) – Following, later, subsequent, ensuing, next, successive
Heightened (adjective) – More intense than normal.
बढ़ा हुआ
Weakening (noun) – Deterioration, decline, damage, destablisation, undermining
Mainstream (adjective) – belonging to or characteristic of the mainstream
मुख्य धारा
Bracket (verb) – Connect, link, join, related, associate,
Separatist (adjective) – Dissenter, secessionist, protestor, rebel, separationist
Current (noun) – the general tendency or course of events or opinion.
Imposition (noun) – imposing, foisting, levying, forcing, inflicting
आरोपण, थोपना
Communication Lockdown (noun) – an act of imposing restriction of communication channel like stoppage of Internet connection or calling in a particular area for some period of time.
Limp (verb) – to progress with great difficulty.
Pick up (phrasal verb) – increase, become stronger, accelerate
तेज होना
The Valley (noun) – It refers to Jammu & Kashmir.
Hoist (verb) – raise (something) by means of ropes and pulleys.
In a way (phrase) – considered in a particular manner
एक तरीके से
Do the hard yards (phrase) – do the hard work needed to succeed.